
Displaying 3051 - 3060 of 5577

Philippines - Rural Electrification Revitalization Project

The audit concurs with the project's unsatisfactory outcome rating, as well as with that of uncertain sustainability, of the Implementation Completion Report (ICR), but downgrades the…

Guinea - Second Water Supply Project

The outcome of the project was satisfactory, with substantial institutional development, and a sustained likelihood. The audit reaffirms the ratings for the Bank, and Borrower's…

Pakistan - Third Primary Education Project

The audit rating is unsatisfactory, due to the fact that most components were not implemented, and those that were, failed to achieve the intended targets, or results. Sustainability…

Trinidad and Tobago - Youth Training and Employment Partnership Project (YTEPP)

This audit report rates the outcome of the Youth Training and Employment Partnership Project (YTEPP) as satisfactory. The project did achieve a sound level of technical sustainability…

Kazakhstan - Structural Adjustment Loan and Financial Sector Adjustment Loan Projects

This report audits the Structural Adjustment Loan (SAL), and the Financial Sector Adjustment Loan (FSAL) Projects. Both outcomes are rated as satisfactory, though the institutional…

Papua New Guinea - Structural Adjustment Loan and Economic Recovery Program Loan Projects

The report audits the Structural Adjustment Loan (SAL), and the Economic Recovery Program Loan (ERP) Projects, and agrees with the Implementation Completion Report's unsatisfactory…

Pakistan - Northern Resource Management Project

Although the audit agrees with the Implementation Completion Report ratings - outcome as satisfactory, institutional development as substantial, likely sustainability, and borrower…

Agricultural Extension: The Kenya Experience

The Training and Visit (T&V) system of management was introduced in Kenya by the World Bank in 1982 as a pilot, and became effective in 1991. The two Bank Extension Projects that supported the T&V system sought…

New Approaches to Planning


Moving from Projects to Programmatic Aid
