
Displaying 641 - 650 of 5577

China - Hubei hydropower development in poor areas project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank Group on the China: Hubei Hydropower Development in Poor Areas Project (IBRD-46660). The project had…

Lao People’s Democratic Republic - trade development facility project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) assesses the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) Trade Development Facility project that was financed from a multi-donor trust fund. The project’s objectives were…

Mongolia : renewable energy for rural access project (REAP)

The purpose of this Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) is to evaluate the development outcomes of the Renewable Energy and Rural Electricity Access Project (REAP) in Mongolia. The project’s development…

Georgia : first, second and third development policy operations

This Project Performance Assessment Review (PPAR) evaluates a programmatic series of three development policy operations (DPOs) for Georgia, including three credits and one loan, in the amount of $85 million for DPO-I…
Doing More While Doing Better

Doing More While Doing Better

Watch IEG launch its annual flagship report on the results and performance of the World Bank Group.

China : thermal power efficiency project

The China Thermal Power Efficiency project sought to reduce coal consumption and greenhouse gas emissions per unit of electricity in three provinces in China – Shanxi, Shandong and Guangdong. The project was conceived…
How do World Bank Group Staff Understand the Shared Prosperity Goal

How do World Bank Group Staff Understand the Shared Prosperity Goal?

What IEG discovered when we canvassed World Bank Group staff understanding and attitudes towards the twin goals.

Romania - Completion and learning review for the period of FY14-FY18 : IEG review

This review of the World Bank Group’s Completion and Learning Report (CLR) covers the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and the Performance and Learning Review (PLR) dated November 3, 2016. The original CPS period (…
Are World Bank Group Projects Getting Results

Are World Bank Group Projects Getting Results?

Have projects delivered measurable results for their clients – and are the World Bank Group’s constituent institutions meeting their corporate targets?

Cambodia : trade facilitation and competitiveness

The FY05 Trade Facilitation and Competitiveness Project (P089196) was a US$10 million IDA grant to Cambodia. The objective of the project was to support the government’s strategy to promote economic growth by helping (i…