
Displaying 2831 - 2840 of 5577

Social Funds:Assessing Effectiveness (Reach)

Social fund projects have been highly effective in delivering small-scale infrastructure, but less so in achieving consistently positive and significant improvements in outcomes and welfare impacts. While facilities are…

Private Sector Development (PSD): Findings and lessons from selected studies

This paper presents findings and lessons of the Bank's Private Sector Development (PSD) activities in the 1990s. It offers project and country-level evaluation results and provides a synthesis of studies which examined…

Integrating Gender in World Bank Assistance

This evaluation examines the relevance of the Bank's gender policy and the institutional processes geared to integrate gender into Bank assistance over the past decade. Gender has received greater attention at the…

Risk Aversion: Safeguards and post-conflict lending

Preliminary 2001 evaluation findings reported by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) and the Quality Assurance Group (QAG) raise questions regarding risk aversion in the Bank. Two sets of pressures may be…

Strengthening Tunisian Municipalities to Foster Local Urban Development (in Arabic)

The Municipal Sector Investment Project, partly financed by a $75 million World Bank loan made in 1992, marked the successful beginning of a decentralization effort in Tunisia to strengthen municipalities and transform…

Renforcement des municipalités en Tunisie
et promotion du développement local (Precis in French)

Le Projet d'investissement dans les collectivités locales, financé en partie par le prêt de 75 millions de dollars accordé par la Banque mondiale en 1992, a marqué le début prometteur de l'effort de dÃ…

Fortalecimiento de los municipios en Túnez y fomento del desarrollo local (Precis in Spanish)

El proyecto de inversiones en el sector municipal, en parte fi-nanciado con un préstamo de US$75 millones otorgado por el Banco Mundial en 1992, marcó el comienzo satisfactorio de un proceso de descentralizaciÃ…

Uganda: Policy, Participation, People (based on Uganda - Country Assistance Evaluation)

When the government of President Museveni assumed power in Uganda in 1986, it took over a shattered postwar economy. Market-oriented reforms led to a remarkable recovery. International Development Association (IDA)…

La participation aux programmes d'aideau développement

Lorsque les principales parties prenantes - individus et organismes communautaires - participent aux activités de la Banque, les programmes de développement gagnent en pertinence et donnent de meilleurs ré…

Foresterie communautaire au Népal

Bi qu'il soit l'un des pays les plus pauvres du monde, le Népalmontre la voie à suivre pour mobiliser la participation des collectivités à la protection et à la gestion de la forêt. Son programme de…