
Displaying 2101 - 2110 of 5577

India - States' Road Infrastructure Development Technical Assistance Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) prepared by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) for the India States' Road Infrastructure Development Technical Assistance Project (SCL-41140, PPFB-P2230). The…

Azerbaijan - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2003-05 : IEG review

The overriding goal of the FY03-05 Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) was to help Azerbaijan translate its anticipated temporary oil boom into sustained poverty reduction. The strategy…

The World Bank's Contribution to Agriculture Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: An IEG Desk Review (Approach Paper)

The purpose of this review is twofold. First, it will serve as a pilot for the IEG study on Bank assistance in agriculture scheduled for FY09 and will develop a methodology and a conceptual framework for that study.…

Malawi - First, Second and Third Fiscal Restructuring and Deregulation and Second and Third Fiscal Restructuring and Deregulation Technical Assistance Programs

This is a Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) on three International Development Association (IDA) adjustment credits and two complementary technical assistance credits to Malawi, and was prepared in support of…

Honduras: Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE)

Honduras is one of the lowest income countries in Latin America, with a poor long-term growth record. Development challenges range from periodic fiscal difficulties and natural disasters to a comparatively low level of…

The World Bank's Economic and Sector Work and Technical Assistance: An Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) Review (Approach Paper)

The World Bank provides both lending and analytical and advisory services to support poverty reduction in developing countries. Its analytic and advisory activities (AAA) include economic and sector work (ESW),…

Public Sector Reform evaluation (Approach Paper)

Public sector reform is part of the agenda for improving governance, which falls into three broad areas - rule-based operation of the government itself to improve the supply of public goods, voice and accountability for…

Mauritius - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2002-2006 : IEG review

The Bank aimed to support the Mauritius Government's 2001 economic agenda for the new millennium through the FY2002-04 country assistance strategy (CAS). The CAS had proposed,…

Honduras - Country Partnership Strategy : CAS Completion Report - IEG review

The strategy in this Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) for Honduras was relevant and the proposed lending and non-lending were well aligned with the strategy. The CAS included about…

Yemen - Institutional Development for Public Administration, Legal and Judicial Devlopment and Public Sector Management Adjustment Credit Projects

The objectives of these three projects were sensible: to build capacity by strengthening civil service training institutions, to support the rule of law by training judges and clerks and reviewing laws, and to initiate…