
Displaying 4391 - 4400 of 5580

Sudan - Second Agricultural Rehabilitation Program

This is a Project Performance Audit Report on the Yugoslavia Third Agricultural Credit Project. The findings of the audit suggest that the project, together with the earlier two…

Tanzania - Export Rehabilitation Program Project

This is a Project Performance Audit Report on the Yugoslavia Third Agricultural Credit Project. The findings of the audit suggest that the project, together with the earlier two…

Tunisia - SOGITEX Textile Rehabilitation Project

This is a Project Performance Audit Report on the Yugoslavia Third Agricultural Credit Project. The findings of the audit suggest that the project, together with the earlier two…

Egypt - Agricultural Development Project (Menufiya-Sohag)

This is a Project Performance Audit Report on the Yugoslavia Third Agricultural Credit Project. The findings of the audit suggest that the project, together with the earlier two…

Thailand - Population Project

This is a Project Performance Audit Report on the Yugoslavia Third Agricultural Credit Project. The findings of the audit suggest that the project, together with the earlier two…

Togo - First and Second Technical Assistance and Structural Adjustment Projects

This is a Project Performance Audit Report on the Yugoslavia Third Agricultural Credit Project. The findings of the audit suggest that the project, together with the earlier two…

Sri Lanka - Tree Crop Rehabilitation (Tea) Project

The Tree Crop Rehabilitation (Tea) Project in Sri Lanka was successful. The Bank's performance during project formulation, preparation and appraisal was very satisfactory. The need…

Egypt - Second Drainage Projects

The Tree Crop Rehabilitation (Tea) Project in Sri Lanka was successful. The Bank's performance during project formulation, preparation and appraisal was very satisfactory. The need…

Sri Lanka - First and Second Mahaweli Ganga Technical Assistance Projects

The First and Second Mahaweli Ganga Technical Assistance Projects in Sri Lanka was successful. Despite the negative economic rate of return, the project can certainly be classified as…

Brazil - Second Agroindustries and Rural Development Projects

The First and Second Mahaweli Ganga Technical Assistance Projects in Sri Lanka was successful. Despite the negative economic rate of return, the project can certainly be classified as…