
Displaying 2871 - 2880 of 5577

Mozambique - Beira Transport Corridor, Maputo Corridor Revitalization Technical Assistance, and Road and Coastal Shipping Projects

The audit largely concurs with the Implementation Completion Reports' ratings of satisfactory outcomes, and likely sustainability of the Beira Transport Corridor, Maputo Corridor…

Malawi - Railways Restructuring Project

The audit concurs with the Implementation Completion Report's ratings of satisfactory project outcome, likely sustainability, and substantial institutional development, as well as…

Bulgaria - Telecommunications Project

The project's overall outcome is rated as satisfactory, its sustainability as likely, and its institutional development impact as high. Although the Borrower's performance is rated…

Zambia - Transport Engineering and Technical Assistance Project

The audit fully concurs with the Implementation Completion Report's assessment of satisfactory outcome, likely sustainability, and substantial institutional development. The…

Uruguay - Transport Project

Overall, despite implementation delays that made benefits occur later than expected, the project achievements were significant. On this basis, the audit rates outome satisfactory and…

Ghana - The National Agricultural Research Project, the National Agricultural Extension Project, the National Livestock Services Project, the Agricultural Diversification Project, and the Agricultural Sector Investment Project (sector overview)

The outcomes for all but the Agricultural Diversification Project (which is rated as satisfactory) and the Agricultural Sector Investment Project (which is rated as unsatisfactory) have been assessed as moderately…

Indonesia - East Java/Bali Urban Development and Sulawesi/Irian Jaya Municipal Urban Development Projects

The audit rates the performances of both the East Java Bali Urban Development (EJB) and, the Sulawesi Irian Jaya Urban Development (SIJUDP) projects as moderately satisfactory, with…

Nepal - The challenges of community participation in forest development : The Hill Community Forestry Project and the Second Forestry Project

The audit rates the outcome of the Hill Community Forestry Project as moderately satisfactory: achievements under the major project component--forest resource management--were mixed…

IDA review background paper - review of poverty reduction in IDA10-12

This is one of the series of background papers prepared for the OED IDA Review. The IDA12 Replenishment Report requested OED to undertake an independent review of the IDA program during the IDA10-11 period and an…

Indonesia - Second Jabotabek Urban Development Project and the Semarang-Surakarta Urban Development Project and the Water Supply and Sanitation Project for Low-Income Communities Project

The three audits represent OED's effort to broaden its customary project audit format to include an analysis of the adequacy of the World Bank's sector assistance. Besides analyzing…