Displaying 2511 - 2520 of 5582
Sharing Knowledge to Achieve Development Goals
In 1996 the World Bank launched a comprehensive knowledge-sharing initiative, based on the understanding that development knowledge is a global public good that belongs to everyone, and from which everyone should…
Intercambiar Conocimientos para Alcanzar Objetivos de Desarrollo
En 1996 el Banco Mundial puso en marcha una amplia iniciativa de difusión de conocimientos, con la convicción de que el saber sobre temas de desarrollo es un bien público mundial que pertenece a todos y del que…
Transfert du Savoir au Service des Objectifs de Développement
En 1996, la Banque mondiale a lancé une vaste initiative de transfert du savoir, en partant du principe que les connaissances favorisant le développement sont un bien public mondial qui appartient àchacun et…
The Development of Monitoring and Evaluation Capacities to Improve Government Performance in Uganda
Growing concerns about poor value for money from Uganda's public services are focusing attention on the need for better understanding of development effectiveness -- what works, what does not, in which contexts, and why…
Desarrollo de la capacidad de seguimiento y evaluación para mejorar el desempeño del Estado en Uganda
La creciente preocupación ante una utilización subóptima de los recursos destinados a los servicios públicos de Uganda lleva a centrar la atención en la necesidad de comprender mejor la eficacia en té…
Sharing Knowledge: Innovations and Remaining Challenges
In 1996, the World Bank made a commitment to develop a world-class knowledge management system and to improve and expand the sharing of development knowledge with clients and partners. This independent evaluation finds…
Knowledge Sharing in Development Agencies: Lessons from Four Cases
This paper provides a comparative perspective for the World Bank on knowledge sharing activities in four agencies: DFID, JICA and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and, the European Bank…
OED Expert Knowledge Review: Primary and Secondary Education
This report is written in the context of a wider OED evaluation on how effectively the Bank is carrying out its commitment to becoming a global knowledge institution, and sharing such knowledge with clients and other…
The Global Development Learning Network: A Review of the First Two Years' Operation
The Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) is one of a number of recent Bank initiatives that use technology to enhance development knowledge sharing. In 1996, President James Wolfensohn, in advancing the concept of…
Knowledge Sharing: Power Sector Reform Review
This paper reviews a sample of World Bank documents and web sites on power sector issues and projects. The documents were selected by World Bank staff, and are supposed to represent the best of the Bank's work. The…