
Displaying 2801 - 2810 of 5577

Les leçons des projets d'approvisionnement
en eau des populations rurales

Les investissements dans l'approvisionnement en eau des populations rurales peuvent avoir de profondes répercussions sur l'activité économique et sur les conditions de vie des pauvres. La place grandissante…

Enseñanzas recogidas de proyectos de abastecimiento de agua en el sector rural

Las inversiones en sistemas de abastecimiento de agua en el sector rural pueden tener un profundo impacto en la actividad económica y la calidad de vida de la población pobre. Al centrarse cada vez más en los…

Les partenaires de l'IDA dans la lutte contre la pauvreté

Puisque les défis posés par le développement sont devenus de plus en plus complexes au fil des dix dernières années, les gouvernements, les associations de bénévoles et les agences d'aide exté…

La AIF y sus asociados en la reducción de la pobreza

Durante el último decenio, los gobiernos, las organizaciones de voluntarios y los organismos de ayuda externa han respondido a la creciente complejidad de los desafíos que plantea el desarrollo con un mayor empeÃ…

IDA's Partnership for Poverty Reduction (Precis)

The increasing complexity of development challenges over the past decade has been addressed by heightened efforts of governments, voluntary organizations, and external assistance agencies to learn from experience and…

Rural Water Projects: Lessons Learned

Investments in rural water systems can have a profound impact on the economic activity and quality of life of the poor. As the Bank has increasingly focused on the poor, it has expanded work in rural water supply. Loan…

The Gender Dimension of Bank Assistance: An Evaluation of Results

The evaluation assesses Bank assistance in twelve countries (Bangladesh, Côte d'Ivoire, Ecuador, Gambia, Haiti, Kyrgyz Republic, Philippines, Poland, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Yemen and Zambia) with varying degrees of…

Bulgaria - Country Assistance Evaluation (REACH)

· The Bulgarian economy deteriorated through early 1997 leading to a financial crisis as a result of which output was one third lower than at the beginning of the transition. Economic growth revived and poverty was…

Chile - Country Assistance Evaluation (REACH)

Over the fifteen-year period under review Chile's economy has been one of the fastest growing in the world, and its social indicators have improved markedly. The Bank played a key supportive role to the reforms, and its…

Sharpening the Focus on Rural Poverty (REACH)

· The Bank's rural lending* has declined from about 30 percent of the portfolio in 1978-81 to below 10 percent today, and donor lending for agriculture is down by two -thirds since 1987-89. On a rural per capita…