
Displaying 4971 - 4980 of 5577

Greece - Fourth National Investment Bank For Industrial Development Project

Rating for the Balcarce Livestock Development Project for Argentina was as follows: Bank performance was satisfactory. Government policies toward the agricultural sector and,…

Morocco - Casablanca - Rabat Bulk First Water Supply Project

Rating for the Balcarce Livestock Development Project for Argentina was as follows: Bank performance was satisfactory. Government policies toward the agricultural sector and,…

Colombia - Second Guatape Hydroelectric Project

Rating for the Balcarce Livestock Development Project for Argentina was as follows: Bank performance was satisfactory. Government policies toward the agricultural sector and,…

Bolivia - Fourth Power Project

Rating for the Balcarce Livestock Development Project for Argentina was as follows: Bank performance was satisfactory. Government policies toward the agricultural sector and,…

Dominican Republic - Road Maintenance and Reconstruction Project

Rating for the Balcarce Livestock Development Project for Argentina was as follows: Bank performance was satisfactory. Government policies toward the agricultural sector and,…

Sri Lanka - Fifth Power Project

The Fifth Power Project in Sri Lanka achieved its objective. Working relationships between Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) and the Bank were satisfactory, but the project was started…

Kenya - Nairobi Airport Project

The Fifth Power Project in Sri Lanka achieved its objective. Working relationships between Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) and the Bank were satisfactory, but the project was started…

Ceylon - Fourth Power Project

The Fourth Power Project in Ceylon achieved its principal objective of increasing the generating capacity of the Borrower's interconnected system; it also achieved its major…

India - Bihar Agricultural Credit Project

The Fourth Power Project in Ceylon achieved its principal objective of increasing the generating capacity of the Borrower's interconnected system; it also achieved its major…

Argentina - Agricultural Credit Project

Ratings for the Agricultural Credit Project for Argentina were as follows: financial performance was good, and institutional performance was good. Some lessons learned included:…