
Displaying 2951 - 2960 of 5577

Annual Review of Development Effectiveness (ARDE) 2000: From Strategy to Results (main report)

The ARDE 2000 tracks the Bank's operational performance based on the findings of recent OED evaluations of projects, country programs, and sector and thematic work and illustrates the lessons that emerge. The Bank's…

Report on Country Consultations (IDA Review 2001)

This working paper is one of eight prepared for the report entitled "IDA´s Partnership for Poverty Reduction (FY94-FY00) - An Independent Evaluation"

Review of the Performance Based Allocation System
(IDA Review 2001)

This working paper is one of eight prepared for the report entitled "IDA´s Partnership for Poverty Reduction (FY94-FY00) - An Independent Evaluation"

Proceedings Note IDA Review Exit Workshop (IDA Review 2001)

This working paper is one of eight prepared for the report entitled "IDA´s Partnership for Poverty Reduction (FY94-FY00) - An Independent Evaluation"

Annual Review of Development Effectiveness (ARDE) 2000 (REACH)


Turkey - Industrial Export Development Project, Second Small and Medium Scale Industry Project, Private Investment Credit Project, and Technology Development Project

The outcome of the Industrial Export Development Project, Second Small and Medium Scale Industry Project, Private Investment Credit Project were all rated as unsatisfactory, and the…

Yemen: Country Assistance Evaluation

Attached is the report Yemen: Country Assistance Review prepared by the Operations Evaluation Department. This Country Assistance Review (CAR) assesses the relevance, efficacy, and efficiency of IDA's assistance…

Cameroon Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) reviews the uneven pattern of Bank assistance to Cameroon, which adapted poorly to the changing needs, and sharp policy turning points. This assistance was too generous at the…

Sri Lanka: Country Assistance Note

The World Bank ' s overall country assistance in the 1990 ' s had a satisfactory outcome and likely sustainability. Not all of what the Bank set out to change in the policy and institutional framework was done, but was…

Maldives - Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) reviews the social, and economic progress over the past two decades in Maldives, providing a brief evaluation to serve as background for Country Assistance Strategy discussions,…