
Displaying 2451 - 2460 of 5577

Eritrea: Country Assistance Evaluation

The objective of this Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) is to review World Bank assistance to Eritrea from l992 to 2000 and assess its relevance, efficiency, efficacy, sustainability and impact. The evaluation was…

Cambodia - Disease Control and Health Development Project

This is the fifth of a series of PPARs that will be undertaken on the "first generation" of completed Bank-financed HIV/AIDS projects, as background for a larger OED evaluation of the development effectiveness of the…

Lithuania: Country Assistance Evaluation

This evaluation provides an independent assessment of the role of World Bank assistance to Lithuania during 1991-2002. It covers all lending activities and economic and sector work during this period. The building…

2003 ARDE: Effectiveness of Bank Support for Policy Reform (Reach)

Two-thirds of developing countries have improved their economic and social policies over the last four years. Countries that improved their policies during this period grew at about twice the rate of countries that did…

Indonesia - Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) of the Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management (COREMAP) Project, which was supported by IBRD Loan No. 43050 in the amount of $6.9 million and Global Environment…

Armenia - Earthquake Reconstruction Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) prepared by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) for the Armenia Earthquake Reconstruction Project. The project was approved in February 1994 for an IBRD…

El Salvador - Earthquake Reconstruction Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) on the El Salvador Earthquake Reconstruction Project (Loan 2873-ES) is unusual in that it looks at a project begun 16 years ago and closed now more than 7 years. This…

Croatia - Highway Sector and Emergency Transport and Mine Clearing Projects

The audit differs from the Implementation Completion Report ratings as follows: the Highway Sector Project (HSP) outcome is rated unsatisfactory contrary to the ICR satisfactory rating, yet concurs with both ratings of…

Evaluation of the International Program for
Development Evaluation (IPDET)

The Operations Evaluation Division (OED) at the World Bank, in partnership with the Faculty of Public Affairs and Management at Carleton University, launched the International Program for Development Evaluation (IPDET)…

Turkey - Eastern Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project

This is a Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the Turkey Eastern Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project (Ln. 3567-TR) for which a loan of US$77 million was approved on March 11, 1993. The project closed…