
Displaying 3351 - 3360 of 5577

India - National Water Management Project

The National Water Management Project (NWMP) for India increased agricultural productivity, farm incomes, and recovery of recurrent operating costs by making public sector irrigation…

Philippines - Communal Irrigation Development Project and Irrigation Operations Support Project

The National Water Management Project (NWMP) for India increased agricultural productivity, farm incomes, and recovery of recurrent operating costs by making public sector irrigation…

Indonesia - The Highway Sector Project, Third Kabupaten Roads Development Project, Regional Cities Urban Transport Project, Jabotabek Urban Development Project, and Railway Technical Assistance Project

This performance audit report rates a series of five Indonesia transport project: First Highway Sector project, Third Kabupaten Roads Development project; Regional Cities Urban…

Philippines - First, Second, Third and Fourth Small & Medium Industries Development Projects


China - Phosphate Development Project

The Phosphate Development Project (Loan 2958-CHA) in China was designed to increase the availability of phosphate concentrates to a dedicated downstream Triple Super Phosphate (TSP)…

Thailand: Country Assistance Note

The severity of Thailand ' s crisis and the speed at which it spread to the region came as a surprise to most observers, and the World Bank was no exception. But, even if the Bank had benefited from perfect foresight,…

Nepal - Marsyangdi Hydroelectric Power Project and Third Technical Assistance (Pancheswar) Project

This audit report rates the Marsyangdi Hydroelectric Power and Third Technical Assistance (Pancheswar) Projects for Nepal. The Marsyangdi Hydroelectric Power Project was rated…

Brazil - Municipal Development Projects in the State of Parana and in the State of Rio Grande do Sul

This audit report rates the Marsyangdi Hydroelectric Power and Third Technical Assistance (Pancheswar) Projects for Nepal. The Marsyangdi Hydroelectric Power Project was rated…

Sri Lanka - General Education Project

The General Education Project for Sri Lanka was rated satisfactory. The project achieved most of its objectives, its impact on institutional development was modest, sustainability is…

Thailand - Land Reform Areas Project and Second Land Titling Project

The Land Reform Areas Project (Loan 2198-TH) and the Second Land Titling Project (Loan 3254-TH) in Thailand took different approaches to land administration. The Land Reform Areas…