
Displaying 2231 - 2240 of 5577

Uzbekistan - Country assistance strategy (CAS) completion report review

The OED Review of the CAS completion report (CASCR) for the FY02 CAS is excellent -thorough and frank in its assessment of the country program. During the FY02 CAS period, there was…

Mauritania: Country Assistance Evaluation

This country assistance evaluation (CAE) provides an independent assessment of World Bank assistance to Mauritania during the period 1992–2003. The CAE examines whether: (a) the objectives of Bank assistance were…

Rétrospective de l'évaluation de l'aide aux pays: Auto-évaluation de l' OED (CAE Retrospective in French)

Ce rapport est une auto-évaluation des évaluations de l'aide-pays (CAE) de l'OED. Durant l'exercice 02, le Sous-Comité informel du Comité sur l'efficacité du développement (CODE) a examiné la mé…

Estudio retrospectivo sobre las evaluaciones de la asistencia a los países: Autoevaluación del DEO (CAE Retrospective in Spanish)

El presente informe es una autoevaluación de las evaluaciones de la asistencia a los países (EvAP). En el ejercicio de 2002, el Subcomité informal del Comité sobre la eficacia en términos de desarrollo (CODE) examinó la…

Honduras: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

The evaluation will entail a review of all project and program documentation and ESW since FY94, as well as past and ongoing Operations Evaluation Department (OED) work such as for example, the Project Performance…

Mexico - Irrigation and Drainage Sector, On-Farm and Minor Irrigation Networks Improvement, and Agricultural Productivity Improvement Projects

The audit gives mixed results regarding the three projects, for although it concurs with the Implementation Completion Report's (ICR) ratings for the On-Farm and Minor Irrigation Networks Improvement Project of a…

OED Review of Bank Assistance for Financial Sector Reform

After more than a decade o f borrowing from the Bank for financial sector reforms, most o f the 96 borrowing countries have witnessed improvements in their financial sectors, in terms of ownership o f banks, efficiency…

OED Evaluation of World Bank Support of Regional Programs (Approach Paper)

This paper sets out an approach for an OED evaluation of World Bank support for multi-country regional programs over the period of 1995-2005. These are defined as programs that aim to accomplish development objectives…

Tajikistan - Country assistance strategy (CAS) completion report review

The CAS Completion Report (CASCR) for Tajikistan finds that there has been substantial economic growth (the second objective), and little progress towards the others (improving social…

Mexico - Northern Border Environment Project and Environmental Structural Adjustment Loan Project

This is a Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) prepared by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) on two environment projects in Mexico: the Northern Border Environment Project (NBEP, Loan No. 3750) and the…