
Displaying 3371 - 3380 of 5577

Financial Sector Reform: A Review of World Bank Assistance


The World Bank's Experience with Post-Conflict Reconstruction

In the wake of Cold War civil conflict, the Bank has responded by supporting the peacemaking process and, once peace is secured, putting its resources behind restoring economic, physical, human, and social capital. This…

Reconstruir a Economia de Moçambique: análise da assistência ao país


Mozambique Country Assistance Review

This Country Assistance Review (CAR) incorporates the findings of an OED team that visited Mozambique in October 1997. Its main conclusion is that the Bank's assistance in Mozambique's economic transformation strongly…

Paraguay - Community Based Rural Water Systems and the Development of Village Committees

This impact evaluation reports on three rural water supply projects in Paraguay. These projects established 275 functioning community-based water systems and have raised the coverage of rural areas from around 1 percent…

India - Kerala Water Supply and Sanitation Project

The Competitiveness and Regulatory Reform Adjustment Program Project and Economic Recovery Credit Project for Cote d'Ivoire were satisfactory. The projects achieved their objectives,…

Madagascar - Ports Rehabilitation Project, Third Railway Project, and Seventh Highway Project

The Ports Rehabilitation Project, Third Railway Project and Seventh Highway Project in Madagascar was achieved. The physical objectives in the port and the railway projects were…

Pakistan - Second and Third Small Industries Projects, Second and Third Industrial Investment Credit Projects, and the Financial Sector Adjustment Loan Project

The Second and Third Small Industries Projects, Second and Third Industrial Investment Credit Projects, and the Financial Sector Adjustment Loan Project for Pakistan were all rated…

India - National Social Forestry Project

The Second and Third Small Industries Projects, Second and Third Industrial Investment Credit Projects, and the Financial Sector Adjustment Loan Project for Pakistan were all rated…