
Displaying 2511 - 2520 of 5577

Sharing Knowledge: Innovations and Remaining Challenges

In 1996, the World Bank made a commitment to develop a world-class knowledge management system and to improve and expand the sharing of development knowledge with clients and partners. This independent evaluation finds…

Knowledge Sharing in Development Agencies: Lessons from Four Cases

This paper provides a comparative perspective for the World Bank on knowledge sharing activities in four agencies: DFID, JICA and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and, the European Bank…

OED Expert Knowledge Review: Primary and Secondary Education

This report is written in the context of a wider OED evaluation on how effectively the Bank is carrying out its commitment to becoming a global knowledge institution, and sharing such knowledge with clients and other…

The Global Development Learning Network: A Review of the First Two Years' Operation

The Global Development Learning Network (GDLN) is one of a number of recent Bank initiatives that use technology to enhance development knowledge sharing. In 1996, President James Wolfensohn, in advancing the concept of…

Knowledge Sharing: Power Sector Reform Review

This paper reviews a sample of World Bank documents and web sites on power sector issues and projects. The documents were selected by World Bank staff, and are supposed to represent the best of the Bank's work. The…

Knowledge Sharing: Public Expenditure Management Review

This paper reviews a sample of World Bank documents, as well as other materials for workshops, falling within the broad area of public expenditure management. The materials were selected by World Bank staff, and are…

Knowledge Sharing: Water Supply Sector

In 1996, the World Bank made a commitment to develop a world-class knowledge management system and to improve and expand its knowledge sharing with clients and other development partners as a complement to Bank lending…

Ukraine - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2001-03 : OED review

This operations evaluation department (OED) review of the FY2001-03 country assistance strategy (CAS) program and the CAS completion report (CR) finds that there was progress towards…

Latvia - Liepaja Environment Project

The outcome of the project was satisfactory, a result of the synergy generated by Latvia's partnership with the Bank, Nordic bilateral donors, the EU, and the World Wide Fund for Nature. Relevance was substantial given…

Jordan: Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) looks at the effectiveness of World Bank assistance during the 1990s from three perspectives: an analysis of the Bank's services and products, development effectiveness, and the…