
Displaying 2201 - 2210 of 5577

Pakistan - Sindh Structural Adjustment Credit, Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP) Structural Adjustment Credit, and NWFP Community Infrastructure and National Housing Authority Strengthening Credit Projects

The Community Infrastructure Project in the Northwest Frontier Province is rated as having a moderately unsatisfactory outcome, modest institutional development impact, and unsatisfactory Bank and Borrower performance…

Kenya - Tana River Primate National Reserve Conservation Project

Results of the Community Development effort on the ground were minimal and, because of the abrupt end to the operation, without any actual steps taken to help people to relocate, local frustration was great and local…

Evaluation of World Bank Support for Client Training (Approach Paper)

This paper sets out an approach for an IEG evaluation of World Bank support of client training over the period 1995-2005, with particular emphasis on more recent activities. The study is expected to generate insights on…

China - Inland Waterways Project

The outcome of the project is rated as satisfactory. Construction of all planned infrastructure was completed to a high standard, but traffic to some of the transfer port facilities did not materialize in the volumes…

Increasing Adult Literacy: A Focus on Reading Speed and Accuracy

Almost one billion people worldwide cannot read, despite increased primary education enrollments. Literacy is essential to meet the Millennium Development Goals. Further, one of the objectives of the Education for All…

Maintaining Momentum to 2015? Sources of Improved Child and Maternal Health and Nutrition in Bangladesh

Interventions supported by the World Bank and other external agencies have saved the lives of millions of children in Bangladesh over the last two decades. These health benefits come from both direct interventions, such…

Mauritius - Port Development and Environmental Protection Project

The outcome of the project is rated highly satisfactory; all four objectives were achieved in full and well within budget. Port productivity improved substantially and the cargo volume handled grew dramatically. This…

India - Agriculture Development Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the Agriculture Development Project Rajasthan (Cr. 24330), for which a credit in the amount SDR 73.1 million (US$106.0 million equivalent) was approved in…

Committing to Results: Improving the Effectiveness of HIV/AIDS Assistance - An OED Evaluation of the World Bank's Assistance for HIV/AIDS Control (executive summary of main report in Arabic)

This evaluation assesses the development effectiveness of the World Bank's country-level HIV/AIDS assistance defined as policy dialogue, analytic work, and lending with the explicit objective of reducing the scope or…

The IDA Internal Controls Framework Overall IEG Evaluation of Management's Assessment (Approach Paper)

This is an approach paper for the IDA Internal Controls Framework: Overall IEG Evaluation of Management's Assessment. IEG will provide an independent evaluation of the overall process used by Management to develop a…