
Displaying 2881 - 2890 of 5577

Brazil - National Environmental Project

The audit concurs with the Implementation Completion Report's assessments, and rates the project outcome as satisfactory, with likely sustainability, and substantial institutional…

Madagascar - Antananarivo Plain Development Project

The audit largely concurs with the Implementation Completion Reports' (ICR) ratings of unlikely sustainability, negligible institutional development, and unsatisfactory Bank…

Bulgaria - Agriculture Sector Adjustment Loan Project

This audit rates the overall outcome as satisfactory, which concurs with the rating of the ICR. The government of Bulgaria has made satisfactory progress in all five policy areas, and…

Brazil - Water Sector Modernization Project

The audit ratings vary compared to the Implementation Completion Report's (ICR) assessment, for although the project outcome, and both performances by the Bank, and Borrower are…

Bangladesh - Third Rural Electrification Project

The audit rates the outcome of the project as highly satisfactory, sustainability as highly likely, and institutional development as high. Lessons suggest that attributable to the…

Pakistan - Rural Electrification Project

The Operations Evaluations Department (OED) concurs with all of the ratings in the Implementation Completion Report (ICR). The project outcome is rated unsatisfactory, based primarily…

Croatia - Emergency Reconstruction Project

Overall, the audit rates the project outcome as moderately satisfactory, versus a satisfactory rating in the Implementation Completion Report (ICR). Stronger recovery of production,…

DGO's introduction to IDA Deputies' Discussion of OED's IDA Review (IDA Review 2001)

OED's Director General introduction to OED's IDA Review

Presentation of the OED IDA Review to the IDA13 Replenishment Meeting (IDA Review 2001)

This presentation is in two parts. The first part focuses on OED's assessment of IDA's performance in implementing the IDA10-12 replenishment undertakings. The second addresses the implications of the Review's findings…

Armenia - Institution Building Loan Project

The outcome of the Institution Building Loan is rated as moderately satisfactory by the project audit report. The rating is higher for institutional development than the OED…