
Displaying 3201 - 3210 of 5577

Global Health: Meeting the Challenge

The World Bank's investment in the Health, nutrition, and population (HNP) sector has evolved from relatively modest investments in population and family planning in the 1970s, to direct lending for primary health care…

Health Care in Mali: Building on Community Involvement

The assistance provided by the World Bank to the health sector in Mali has contributed to improved access to rural health services and increased availability of affordable essential drugs, according to a recent…

Reforming Bolivia's Power Sector

When the World Bank approved funding for Bolivia's Power Rehabilitation Project in 1987, the expected outcome was confined to improvements in the operation of the state-owned power company, ENDE (Empresa Nacional de…

Grassroots Pastoral Organizations in Mauritania

External support to the livestock sector in semi-arid regions has increasingly emphasized the development of pastoralists' groups to facilitate linkage with support services, especially in animal health, and to improve…

Health Care in India: Learning from Experience

The World Bank has emerged as the world's largest lender in the health, nutrition, and population (HNP) sector of developing countries. The Bank also plays a major role advising on national health policies. But in India…

La salud en el mundo: la respuesta al desafío

LAS INVERSIONES DEL BANCO MUNDIAL EN EL sector de salud, nutrición y población han pasado de unas sumas relativamente modestas destinadas a actividades de población y planificación de la familia en el…

Lithuania - Rehabilitation Loan Project

The project outcome is rated marginally satisfactory with sustainability judged as likely. Both World Bank and Borrower performances are ranked as marginally satisfactory. Several…

Yemen: Forging a New Consensus

Despite the achievement of political stability and recent economic improvements, Yemen remains one of the poorest countries in the world. A recent OED study found that the country continues to be hobbled by serious…

Municipal Development Projects: Financing Local Development and Building Institutions

Sixty-three of 75 countries with populations greater than 5 million are now pursuing decentralization policies that devolve functions and responsibilities to local governments. But the decentralization process is…

Administration foncière et développement rural : deux exemples venus de Thaïlande

L'expérience de la Thaïlande met en lumière une dimension importante de l'administration foncière : la façon dont elle peut améliorer la gestion des ressources naturelles et contribuer à réduire…