
Displaying 4821 - 4830 of 5577

Côté d'Ivoire - Projet de Développement Rural des Régions Cotonnières

The Cotton Area Rural Development Project for the Ivory Coast was successful. The project achieved its objectives, its impact on institutional development has been substantial,…

Ivory Coast - Cotton Area Rural Development Project

The Cotton Area Rural Development Project for the Ivory Coast was successful. The project achieved its objectives, its impact on institutional development has been substantial,…

India - Chambal Command Area Development Projects

The Cotton Area Rural Development Project for the Ivory Coast was successful. The project achieved its objectives, its impact on institutional development has been substantial,…

West Pakistan - Engineering Education Project

The Engineering Education Project in West Pakistan can be regarded as one of the less satisfactory involvements of the Bank Group in the field of education. The project comprised…

Thailand - Second Education Project

The Engineering Education Project in West Pakistan can be regarded as one of the less satisfactory involvements of the Bank Group in the field of education. The project comprised…

Philippines - Aurora - Penaranda Irrigation Project

The Engineering Education Project in West Pakistan can be regarded as one of the less satisfactory involvements of the Bank Group in the field of education. The project comprised…

Cameroon - Livestock Development Project

The Engineering Education Project in West Pakistan can be regarded as one of the less satisfactory involvements of the Bank Group in the field of education. The project comprised…

Upper Volta - Second Rural Development Fund Project

Overall and despite one year delay in project start-up and implementation, the Second Rural Development Fund Project of Upper Volta was a success; most of its investment program was…

Togo - Cocoa - Coffee Development Project

Overall and despite one year delay in project start-up and implementation, the Second Rural Development Fund Project of Upper Volta was a success; most of its investment program was…

Haute-Volta - Projet de Developpement Agricole de l a Bougouriba
