
Displaying 5551 - 5560 of 5575

Bolivia - Livestock Projects

This is a project performance audit report of Livestock Projects for Bolivia. This performance audit deals with the first two of three credits for livestock development granted by…

Colombia - First and Second Development Finance Companies Projects

This is a project performance audit report of Livestock Projects for Bolivia. This performance audit deals with the first two of three credits for livestock development granted by…

Botswana - Engineering and Preliminary Works Credit Project

This is a project performance audit report of Livestock Projects for Bolivia. This performance audit deals with the first two of three credits for livestock development granted by…

West Pakistan - Second Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Project

The Second Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Project in West Pakistan was effectively and efficiently executed and has made a very valuable contribution to the economic growth of Pakistan…

Sudan - Roseires Irrigation Project

The Second Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Project in West Pakistan was effectively and efficiently executed and has made a very valuable contribution to the economic growth of Pakistan…

Israel - Second Industrial Development Bank Project

The Second Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Project in West Pakistan was effectively and efficiently executed and has made a very valuable contribution to the economic growth of Pakistan…

Morocco - Third Banque Nationale Pour Le Developpement Economique (BNDE) Project

The Second Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Project in West Pakistan was effectively and efficiently executed and has made a very valuable contribution to the economic growth of Pakistan…

Jordan - Second Agricultural Credit Project

The Second Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Project in West Pakistan was effectively and efficiently executed and has made a very valuable contribution to the economic growth of Pakistan…

Colombia - Third Medellin Power Project

The Second Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Project in West Pakistan was effectively and efficiently executed and has made a very valuable contribution to the economic growth of Pakistan…

Tunisia - Second Societe Nationale d'Investissement Project

The Second Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Project in West Pakistan was effectively and efficiently executed and has made a very valuable contribution to the economic growth of Pakistan…