
Displaying 461 - 470 of 5571

Congo, Republic of - Completion and Learning Review : IEG Review

The Republic of Congo is a lower middle-income country with a GNI per capita (Atlas method in current $) of $1,480 in 2017. Oil production had been the main driver of growth and source of government revenues, with…

China CLR Review FY13-17

China, with a population of 1.4 billion, is an upper middle-income country with a GNI per capita of $8,690 in 2017. During 2013-2017, the economy grew annually at 7.1 percent on average, slower than the previous CPS…

China - Completion and Learning Review : IEG Review

This review of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the period of the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), FY13-17, as updated in the Performance…
Building ownership, consensus, and credibility during economic stabilization: Lessons from Jamaica

Building ownership, consensus, and credibility during economic stabilization: Lessons from Jamaica

This brief captures the lessons from evaluating a World Bank budget support program implemented in Jamaica—the Economic Stabilization and Foundations for Growth Development Policy Loan (DPL).
Social Contracts Matter for Development: What can the World Bank do about it?

Social contracts matter for development: What can the World Bank do about it?

Lessons from emerging practices of using Social Contract Diagnostics to shape World Bank Country Engagements.

Guatemala - Enhanced Fiscal and Financial Management for Greater Opportunities DPL Series

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) evaluates a series of two development policy loans (DPLs) to Guatemala: Fiscal Space for Greater Opportunities ($200 million, P131763), and Enhanced Fiscal and Financial…
Are evaluators ready to answer the question: Who benefits?

Are evaluators ready to answer the question: Who benefits?

Recent trends in evaluation indicate institutions and systems are evolving, driven by an acknowledgment of the importance of addressing key questions.

Timor-Leste - Completion and Learning Review : IEG Review

This review of the Timor-Leste’s Completion and Learning Review (CLR) of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) covers the original CPS period (FY13-FY17), and the Performance and Learning…
World Bank Support for Irrigation Service Delivery: Responding to New Challenges and Opportunities

World Bank Support for Irrigation Service Delivery: Responding to New Challenges and Opportunities

This evaluation seeks to inform the World Bank’s efforts to support client countries to deliver sustainable irrigation and drainage services and achieve development impacts.
How to support countries that aspire to middle-income status: Lessons from Rwanda

How to support countries that aspire to middle-income status: Lessons from Rwanda

Insights from evaluation of the World Bank Group's assistance to Rwanda in its journey toward middle-income status.