
Displaying 2021 - 2030 of 5571

Chile - Second Municipal Development Project

The ratings for the Second Municipal Development Project of Chile were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory; risk to development outcome was negligible or low; Bank performance was moderately satisfactory;…

Ghana - AIDS Response Project (GARFUND)

The objectives of the Ghana AIDS Response Project (GARFUND) were to (1) intensify multi-sectoral activities designed to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS, and (2) reduce its impact on those already affected by HIV/AIDS.…

India - First and Second Tamil Nadu Urban Development Projects

The Tamil Nadu Urban Development Project (TNUDF) had the following ratings: outcome was moderately satisfactory; institutional development impact was modest; risk to development outcome was significant; Bank performance…

Egypt Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

This country assistance evaluation will evaluate the relevance of Bank objectives in the context of the development constraints facing Egypt at the time the CASs were prepared, and the realism of Bank assistance…

Tanzania - Agricultural Sector Management Project (ASMP), the Second Agricultural Research Project (TARP II), and the Second National Agricultural Extension Project (NAEP II)

This evaluation finds mixed performance overall. The outcome of the Agricultural Sector Management Project (ASMP) is rated moderately satisfactory. The outcome of the Second Agricultural Research Project (TARP II) is…

Mali - First Structural Adjustment Credit; Economic Recovery Credit; Economic Management Credit; and Third Structural Adjustment Credit Projects

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) evaluates the four structural adjustment credits to the Republic of Mali from 1990 to 2003: the 1990 SAC I (IDA-US$70 million; co-financing-US$306.2 million), the 1994…

Brazil - Water Quality and Pollution Control Project to the States of Sao Paulo and Parana; Espirito Santo Water Coastal Pollution Management Project

This performance assessment addresses a cluster of projects that represent a turning point in Bank strategy for the water sector in Brazil in the early 1990s. The projects are the Brazil Water Quality and Pollution…

Ghana - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2004-07 : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the FY04-07 Ghana CAS and evaluates the FY04-07 Ghana CASCR. The CAS set forth three pillars closely aligned with the Ghana Poverty…

Kyrgyz Republic - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) review for the period FY2003-06 : IEG review

The 2003 country assistance strategy (CAS) for the Kyrgyz Republic had three objectives: (1) supporting private sector-led growth; (2) providing essential services; and (3)…

Nicaragua - Second Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project

In regard to project performance assessment ratings, the Nicaragua Second Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project had the following ratings: outcome was highly satisfactory; risk to development outcome was…