
Displaying 1991 - 2000 of 5571

China - Second Loess Plateau Watershed Rehabilitation Project; First and Second Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Project; and Second Tarim Basin Project

The ratings for the Second Loess Plateau Watershed Rehabilitation Project of China were as follows: outcome was satisfactory; risk to development outcome was moderate; Bank performance was satisfactory; and Borrower…

Nicaragua - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) for the period FY2003-FY2007 : IEG review

The Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) emphasized that the overall goal of IDA support was to reduce extreme poverty from 15.1 percent in 2001 to 13.7 percent by 2005. The CAS…

Georgia: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

In accordance with the main directions of the Bank assistance throughout the review period, this evaluation will examine the progress in achieving the following objectives: (1) Public sector governance and capacity…

Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

Underperformance of agriculture has been a major limitation of Africa's development. For most of the past two decades, both governments and donors, including the World Bank, have neglected the sector. The Bank's limited…

Ghana - Health Sector Program Support and Second Health and Population Projects

The main finding of this evaluation is that the first health SWAp in Ghana has strengthened sector stewardship and sector capacity, but has not culminated in the achievement of most health service delivery and health…

Evaluation of World Bank Assistance for Health, Nutrition, and Population

The proposed HNP evaluation would provide an opportunity to evaluate a number of issues that were explicit objectives, strategies, or challenges in the 1997 strategy and that remain part of the 2007 strategy: a)The…

Nigeria: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

The CAE will cover the strategy, program and outcomes of Bank assistance over nine years. The period starting on July 1,1998 and ending on June 30,2007, will be the focus of the CAE. This is the period of the…

How to Build M&E Systems to Support Better Government

A growing number of governments are working to improve their performance by creating systems to measure and help them understand their performance. These systems for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) are used to…

Evaluation of Poverty Reduction Support Credits (Approach Paper)

The World Bank introduced Poverty Reduction Support Credits (PRSCs) in 2001 as a vehicle to help IDA borrowers implement their poverty reduction strategies. IEG's evaluation will aim to assess whether Poverty Reduction…

Mauritania - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) for the period FY2003-FY2007 : IEG review

The FY03 Country Assistance Strategy or CAS was approved in a climate of confidence that Mauritania had proven its worth as a reliable IDA client, ready to graduate to accelerated…