
Displaying 1041 - 1050 of 5571

Learning Product on Financial Sustainability of the Electricity Sector in Developing Countries – Lessons from World Bank Interventions: FY2000-2016 (Concept Note)

About 1.1 billion people around the world, mostly poor, lack access to electricity, holding them back from the potential for human development and quality of life that can result from such connectivity. In Sub-Saharan…

Learning Product on Environmental Policy Lending (Concept Note)

Environmental policy is a crucial driver of environmental outcomes and in terms development and poverty outcomes, as policy environments affect incentives and shift behavior by public and private sector agents. As noted…

Learning Product on Lessons from Joint WBG Projects (Concept Note)

The World Bank Group (WBG) Strategy (WBG, October 2013) outlines how the World Bank Group will work in partnership to help countries end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity in a sustainable manner. Working as…

Malawi - Financial Management, Transparency, and Accountability Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report evaluates the Financial Management, Transparency, and Accountability Project to Malawi, which was approved by the Board on March 6, 2003, for US$27.4 million with a closing…
International Women's Day 2030 - What Will Success Look Like?

International Women's Day 2030 - What Will Success Look Like?

Gender equality is high on the SDG agenda, but will success look different 15 years from now?

Tanzania - Local Government Support Project

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) covers an operation implemented over the period FY05-FY12. The Tanzania Local Government Support Project (LGSP) was approved by the Board on November 30, 2004, became…

The Use of Political Economy Analysis in the Design and Implementation of Development Policy Financing (Concept Note)

  The proposed learning product will look at World Bank's experience in the use of political economy analysis (PEA) for development policy financing (DPF). The product is part of the program of several separate…

IEG Insights - The Private Sector in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

In countries plagued by violence and conflict, security risks and instability as well as lack of infrastructure, access to finance, and workforce skills can stunt private sector-led growth and job creaon. To overcome…
Influencing Change through Evaluation: What is the Theory of Change?

Influencing Change through Evaluation: What is the Theory of Change?

To optimize value-for-money, it is essential to understand how evaluation influences change.

SupportingTransformational Change for Poverty Reduction and Shared Prosperity - Lessons from World Bank Group Experience

Transformational engagements are a critical pillar of the World Bank Group's strategy for achieving its twin goals of extreme poverty elimination and shared prosperity. This learning product uses evaluative evidence…