
Displaying 4871 - 4880 of 5577

Benin - Technical Assistance Project

This is a project performance audit report of the Technical Assistance Project in Benin. The project was follow-on to the Zou-Borgou Cotton Project, which aimed at increasing cotton…

Madagascar - Premier projet forestier du Mangoro

This is a project performance audit report of the Mangoro Forestry Project in Madagascar. The Bank's performance in project supervision was overall very satisfactory, and made…

Bénin - Projet d'assistance technique

This is a project performance audit report of the Technical Assistance Project in Benin. The project was follow-on to the Zou-Borgou Cotton Project, which aimed at increasing cotton…

Indonesia - Sugar Project

This is a project performance audit report of the Technical Assistance Project in Benin. The project was follow-on to the Zou-Borgou Cotton Project, which aimed at increasing cotton…

Madagascar - Mangoro Forestry Project

This is a project performance audit report of the Mangoro Forestry Project in Madagascar. The Bank's performance in project supervision was overall very satisfactory, and made…

Jamaica - Second Education Project

This is a project performance audit report of the Mangoro Forestry Project in Madagascar. The Bank's performance in project supervision was overall very satisfactory, and made…

Philippines - Second Education Project

This is a project performance audit report of the Mangoro Forestry Project in Madagascar. The Bank's performance in project supervision was overall very satisfactory, and made…

Egypt - Population Project

This is a project performance audit report of the Mangoro Forestry Project in Madagascar. The Bank's performance in project supervision was overall very satisfactory, and made…

Rwanda - Projet de développement agricole du Matara

This is a project performance assessment report of Mutara Agricultural Development Project in Rwanda. Rwanda is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in Africa.…

India - Bombay High Offshore Development Project

This is a project performance assessment report of Mutara Agricultural Development Project in Rwanda. Rwanda is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in Africa.…