
Displaying 3881 - 3890 of 5577

Maldives, Republic of Yemen - Fisheries Projects

Rating for the Banking Sector and First and Second Trade Policy Loans for Argentina was as follows: Bank performance was satisfactory. Some lessons learned included: full country…

Brazil - Credit and Marketing Reform Project

Rating for the Banking Sector and First and Second Trade Policy Loans for Argentina was as follows: Bank performance was satisfactory. Some lessons learned included: full country…

Madagascar - Agricultural Sector Adjustment Credit

The Agricultural Sector Adjustment Credit in Madagascar was successful. In contrast, compliance with other policy changes was partial, and the rationale and justification for…

Mexico - Industrial Recovery Project

The Agricultural Sector Adjustment Credit in Madagascar was successful. In contrast, compliance with other policy changes was partial, and the rationale and justification for…

Philippines - Vocational Training Project

The Agricultural Sector Adjustment Credit in Madagascar was successful. In contrast, compliance with other policy changes was partial, and the rationale and justification for…

Mexico - Industrial Sector Policy Loan

The Agricultural Sector Adjustment Credit in Madagascar was successful. In contrast, compliance with other policy changes was partial, and the rationale and justification for…

Rainfed Rural Development in Morocco


Livestock in Africa: Support for Pastoralists


Restructuring the Fertilizer Industry in Zambia


Agricultural Development in the North China Plain
