
Displaying 2431 - 2440 of 5577

An Assessment of the Impact of Bangalore Citizen Report Cards on the Performance of Public Agencies

This OED review finds that report cards have had a significant impact on the quality of public services in Bangalore. The review identifies success factors and considers the replicability of the report card approach…

Sierra Leone - Roads Rehabilitation and Maintenance, and Freetown Infrastructure Rehabilitation Projects

The main lessons drawn from these project experiences are: i) Projects implemented in countries with an ongoing conflict need to be continually monitored to identify and assess the conflict risk to the projects; ii)…

Jordan Country Assistance Evaluation: Economic Development in the 1990s and World Bank Assistance (Working Paper)

This is one of three background papers to the Jordan Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) (Task Manager, Mr. Fareed M.A. Hassan) being prepared by the World Bank's Operations Evaluation Department (OED). The findings are…

Jordan Country Assistance Evaluation: An Evaluation of World Bank Assistance for Poverty Reduction, Health and Education (Working Paper)

The World Bank's assistance to Jordan in the 1990s coincided with a period of considerable political and economic turmoil. Three important exogenous factors affected the Kingdom's economic and social development. The…

Jordan Country Assistance Evaluation: An Evaluation of Bank Assistance for Water Development and Management (Working Paper)

This paper evaluates the relevance and effectiveness of the Bank's program of assistance to Jordan water sector in the 1990s. Following an overview of Jordan's water issues, institutional challenges and the Bank's role…

Sri Lanka - National Irrigation Rehabilitation Project

This a Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) for the Sri Lanka National Irrigation Rehabilitation Project, for which Credit No. 2260-CE in the amount of US$29.6 million equivalent was approved on June 6, 1991.…

Honduras - Transport Sector Rehabilitation Project

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) on the Honduras Transport Sector Rehabilitation Project, for which a credit (Credit 2458-HO) of US$65 million was approved in 1993. The project closed, fully…

Mongolia: Country Assistance Evaluation

The Bank accounts for only 10 percent of total aid flows to Mongolia, but it offers a unique perspective on many of Mongolia's problems because of its worldwide experience on transition economies. OED recommends that…

Programme d'ajustement du secteur des entreprises publiques

Le Département de l’évaluation des opérations avait réalisé une évaluation du Programme d’ajustement du secteur des entreprises…

Mauritania - Public Enterprise Sector Adjustment Program Project

The Operations Evaluation Department (OED) did an assessment of the Public Enterprise Sector Adjustment Program (PESAP) in 1996 (See PPAR report no. 15832). The purpose of reassessing…