
Displaying 1011 - 1020 of 5577
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IDEV Interview with IEG's Nick York and Konstantin Atanesyan

IEG's Nick York and Konstantin Atanesyan share lessons about World Bank engagement in resource rich countries with the ADB.
Between Worlds: Reducing Pastoral Vulnerability

Between Worlds: Reducing Pastoral Vulnerability

In this IEG Project Lessons series, we highlight the findings of a recently released assessment of Phase I and Phase II of the World Bank financed, and IFAD co-financed, Pastoral Community Development Program in Ethiopia
Using Evaluation to Enhance the Performance of Development Partnerships

Using Evaluation to Enhance the Performance of Development Partnerships

What do we know about the performance of partnership programs, and how can evaluation enhance their effectiveness?

Cambodia - Completion and learning review for the period FY2005-15 : IEG review

This is a validation of the Completion and Learning Review (CLR) for the World Bank Group's (WBG) engagement in Cambodia covering the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS, FY05-FY08), its extension to FY08-FY11, and the…

Bulgaria - Completion and learning review for the period FY2011– FY2013 : IEG review

The Country Partnership Strategy(CPS) for Bulgaria aims to enable the government to leverage the Bank’s knowledge and experience to accelerate investment projects and more effectively…
World Bank Group Support to Housing Finance

World Bank Group Support to Housing Finance

This learning product aims to provide lessons from experience about successful practices related to World Bank Group housing finance projects.
Evaluation 2030 - What Does the Future Look Like?

Evaluation 2030 - What Does the Future Look Like?

Five opportunities to change what and how we evaluate as we take on three ambitious development agendas.

Tunisia - Completion and learning review for the period FY10-14 : IEG review

Tunisia had by 2010 been transitioning gradually and successfully from a natural resourcedependent economy to a more market-based, diversified and internationally integrated model. The incidence of poverty dropped…
What to Evaluate When - Consider These Choices Early in the Evaluation Cycle

What to Evaluate When - Consider These Choices Early in the Evaluation Cycle

Consider these choices early in the evaluation cycle.