
Displaying 2551 - 2560 of 5577

The CGIAR at 31: Celebrating Its Achievements, Facing Its Challenges (Precis in Japanese)

The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) was established in 1971 to scale up years of effort by the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations in supporting four international agricultural research…

El CGIAR, al cumplirlos 31 años, celebra sus logros y hace frente a sus desafíos (Precis)

El Grupo Consultivo sobre Investigaciones Agrícolas Internacionales (CGIAR) se formó en 1971 con el fin de potenciar el esfuerzo realizado durante años por las Fundaciones Rockefeller y Ford en apoyo de cuatro…

À 31 ans, le CGIAR célèbre ses succès et envisage l'avenir (Precis)

Fondé en 1971, le Groupe consultatif pour la recherche agricole internationale (CGIAR) a été mis en place pour transposer à plus grande échelle l'appui fourni pendant des années par les Fondations…

Toward Country-led Development:a Multi-partner Evaluation of the Comprehensive Development Framework (Synthesis Report)

The Comprehensive Development Framework - launched by World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn in early 1999 - has become an important influence on the global development agenda. This review is an extended multi-partner…

Toward Country-led Development:a Multi-partner Evaluation of the Comprehensive Development Framework (Country Case Studies)

The Comprehensive Development Framework - launched by World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn in early 1999 - has become an important influence on the global development agenda. This review is an extended multi-partner…

Estonia - Haapsalu and Matsalu Bays Environmental Project

The audit concurs with both the Implementation Completion Report (ICR) and Evaluation Summary (ES) ratings of satisfactory project outcome, likely sustainability, and substantial institutional development impacts, as…

Niger - Economic Recovery Credit, Public Sector Adjustment Credit, Public Finance Reform Credit, and Public Finance Recovery Credit Projects

Project outcome for the Economic Recovery Credit Project is rated as unsatisfactory; project sustainability is highly unlikely becaue of lack of ownership at the political and administrative levels and very weak…

Niger - Economic Recovery Credit, Public Sector Adjustment Credit, Public Finance Reform Credit, and Public Finance Recovery Credit Projects

Project outcome for the Economic Recovery Credit Project is rated as unsatisfactory; project sustainability is highly unlikely becaue of lack of ownership at the political and administrative levels and very weak…

Ghana - Mining Sector Rehabilitation Project and the Mining Sector Development and Environment Project

The outcome of the Mining Sector Rehabilitation Project is rated moderately unsatisfactory; project sustainability is rated unlikely because the Minerals Commission, on of the project ' s successes, is in financial…

Improving the Lives of the Poor Through Investment in Cities: An Update on the Performance of the World Bank's Urban Portfolio

This is OED's first review of the urban portfolio since its 1994 study of the first 20 years of Bank urban lending. Since that study was completed, the Bank has invested US$6 billion more in assistance for urban…