
Displaying 2161 - 2170 of 5577

China - Country partnership strategy : Country assistance strategy completion report - IEG review

Progress towards the main objectives of the FY03-05 Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) - improving the business environment and accelerating China's transition to a market economy,…

World Bank Lending For Lines of Credit - An IEG Evaluation

This evaluation provides an independent assessment of lines of credit (LOC) financed by the World Bank during the period FY93-FY03. It is the first of a two-part evaluation looking at Bank support to the financial…

World Bank Lending For Lines of Credit - An IEG Evaluation

This evaluation provides an independent assessment of lines of credit (LOC) financed by the World Bank during the period FY93-FY03. It is the first of a two-part evaluation looking at Bank support to the financial…

Azerbaijan - Petroleum Technical Assistance Project

This evaluation found that the project's poor quality at entry, combined with the shift of the government's focus to undeveloped fields, caused the project to gradually lose momentum and undermined the achievement of…

The World Bank in Turkey: 1993-2004 - An IEG Country Assistance Evaluation

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) assesses the outcomes of the World Bank's assistance to Turkey during the period July 1, 1993, to June 30, 2004. It focuses on the objectives of that assistance and the extent to…

Indonesia: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

This evaluation will cover the seven years from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2005. Since the baseline is the point at which the decline from previous production levels was greatest, the CAE will also identify an…

Ukraine: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) will cover the seven years from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2005. During that period, the World Bank's assistance to Ukraine has been guided by two Country Assistance…

Hazards of Nature, Risks to Development: An IEG Evaluation of World Bank Assistance for Natural Disasters

This report is the first assessment of World Bank assistance for natural disasters, and one of the most comprehensive reviews of disaster preparedness and response ever conducted. The World Bank is the largest funding…

Jordan - Country assistance strategy completion report review for the period FY2003-05 : IEG review

The country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) covers the FY2003-05 CAS. The CAS reflected Jordan's development priorities as articulated in 2002-05 programs for social and…

Debt Relief for the Poorest: An Evaluation Update of the HIPC Initiative (IEG Reach)

In the past decade, debt relief has become an increasingly significant vehicle for delivering development aid. This update builds on the findings of the 2003 independent evaluation of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries…