
Displaying 4491 - 4500 of 5577

Romania - Danube - Black Sea Canal Project

The Hill Farming Technical Development Project in Pakistan was accomplished. Despite the slow startup, the project eventually achieved most of its goals. The Bank played an important…

Brazil - Secondary and Feeder Roads Project

The Hill Farming Technical Development Project in Pakistan was accomplished. Despite the slow startup, the project eventually achieved most of its goals. The Bank played an important…

Egypt - Urban Development Project

The Hill Farming Technical Development Project in Pakistan was accomplished. Despite the slow startup, the project eventually achieved most of its goals. The Bank played an important…

Burma - Tin and Tungsten Expansion Project

The Hill Farming Technical Development Project in Pakistan was accomplished. Despite the slow startup, the project eventually achieved most of its goals. The Bank played an important…

Egypt - Cotton Ginning Rehabilitation Project

The Hill Farming Technical Development Project in Pakistan was accomplished. Despite the slow startup, the project eventually achieved most of its goals. The Bank played an important…

Cyprus - First and Second Highway Projects

The Hill Farming Technical Development Project in Pakistan was accomplished. Despite the slow startup, the project eventually achieved most of its goals. The Bank played an important…

Pakistan - Third and Fourth Karachi Port Development Projects

The Physical Components of Third and Fourth Karachi Port Development Project in Pakistan were successfully completed. In the view of the Audit the Bank should have taken a less…

Korea - Citizens National Bank (CNB) Project

The Physical Components of Third and Fourth Karachi Port Development Project in Pakistan were successfully completed. In the view of the Audit the Bank should have taken a less…

Guinea - Education Project

The Education Project for Guinea was rated good. The project was well implemented, most objectives were achieved, institutional development has been substantial, and both the Bank and…

Bangladesh - Barisal and Karnafuli Irrigation and the First Rural Development Projects

The Education Project for Guinea was rated good. The project was well implemented, most objectives were achieved, institutional development has been substantial, and both the Bank and…