
Displaying 591 - 600 of 5577
Inclusive Growth: A Synthesis of Findings from Recent IEG Evaluations

Inclusive Growth: A Synthesis of Findings from Recent IEG Evaluations

This report extracts findings and distills lessons from all relevant IEG evaluations completed between FY10 and FY18 to shed light on the nature and results of the Bank Group’s support in key areas of inclusive growth.
How is the World Bank Group Supporting Environmental Sustainability?

How is the World Bank Group Supporting Environmental Sustainability?

A discussion and debate about what more the World Bank Group needs to do to ensure environmental sustainability.
Engaging Citizens for Better Development Results

Engaging Citizens for Better Development Results

This evaluation assesses how effectively the World Bank Group has mainstreamed citizen engagement at the project, country, and corporate levels, and demonstrates how this process contributes to the achievement of…
The Future of Higher Education

The Future of Higher Education: Four Critical Questions for Policymakers in Developing Countries

The rapid increase in demand for higher education raises important questions for developing countries and other stakeholders engaged in the higher education sector.
IEG Annual Report 2018: Growing our Influence

IEG Annual Report 2018: Growing our Influence

In FY18, IEG set out a strategy to align with the World Bank Group’s priorities, undertook a series of reforms to improve evaluations and their implementation, and continued to grow its influence in several arenas.

Rwanda - Fourth Poverty Reduction Strategy Grant, Fifth Poverty Reduction Support Grant, Sixth Poverty Reduction Support Grant, and Seventh Poverty Reduction Support Financing

This Project Performance Assessment Report evaluates a programmatic series of four development policy financing (DPF) operations approved for Rwanda over 2008–11. The series consisted of four single-tranche operations:…
In Conclusion

In Conclusion…

The third and final post of IEG Director General Caroline Heider's retrospective.
Boosting Market Confidence to Support Key Development Efforts

Boosting Market Confidence to Support Key Development Efforts: Three Lessons from Indonesia

This brief captures the lessons from evaluating the World Bank’s Public Expenditure Support Facility (DPL-DDO) in Indonesia.

Papua New Guinea - Smallholder Agriculture Development Project

Papua and New Guinea (Papua New Guinea) has faced considerable development challenges since its independence in 1975. Through the Smallholder Agriculture Development Project, the World Bank sought to improve community…
The Three Pillars of a Working Evaluation Function

The Three Pillars of a Working Evaluation Function: IEG's Experience

The second in a 3-part retrospective series by Director General Caroline Heider.