
Displaying 4881 - 4890 of 5577

Sudan - Second Mechanized Farming Project

This is a project performance assessment report of Mutara Agricultural Development Project in Rwanda. Rwanda is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in Africa.…

Bangladesh - Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Imports Program Credit Projects

This is a project performance assessment report of Mutara Agricultural Development Project in Rwanda. Rwanda is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in Africa.…

Eighth Annual Review of Project Performance Audit Results


Algeria - Jijel Port Project

Rating for the Jijel Port Project for Algeria was as follows: Bank performance was unsatisfactory. Some lessons learned included: assess thoroughly all project components during…

Turkey - Program Loan Project

Rating for the Jijel Port Project for Algeria was as follows: Bank performance was unsatisfactory. Some lessons learned included: assess thoroughly all project components during…

Togo - Second Highway Project

Rating for the Jijel Port Project for Algeria was as follows: Bank performance was unsatisfactory. Some lessons learned included: assess thoroughly all project components during…

Bangladesh - Inland Water Transport Rehabilitation Project

Rating for the Jijel Port Project for Algeria was as follows: Bank performance was unsatisfactory. Some lessons learned included: assess thoroughly all project components during…

East African Community - Second and Third Harbours Corporation Projects

Rating for the Jijel Port Project for Algeria was as follows: Bank performance was unsatisfactory. Some lessons learned included: assess thoroughly all project components during…

Tanzania - Second Highway Project

Rating for the Jijel Port Project for Algeria was as follows: Bank performance was unsatisfactory. Some lessons learned included: assess thoroughly all project components during…

India - Calcutta Urban Development Project

Rating for the Jijel Port Project for Algeria was as follows: Bank performance was unsatisfactory. Some lessons learned included: assess thoroughly all project components during…