
Displaying 2361 - 2370 of 5577

Bhutan: Country Assistance Evaluation

This evaluation provides an independent assessment of the role of World Bank assistance to Bhutan during the period 1993–2003. The Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) examines whether: (a) the objectives of Bank/IDA…

Croatia: Country Assistance Evaluation

This evaluation provides an independent assessment of the role of World Bank assistance to Croatia during 1991-2003. The Country Assistance Evaluaton (CAE) examines whether: (a) the objectives of Bank assistance were…

Iran - Tehran Drainage and Irrigation Improvement Projects

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) prepared by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) for the Iran Tehran Drainage Project and the Irrigation Improvement Project. The Tehran Drainage Project…

Moldova: Country Assistance Evaluation (Reach)

Moldova has had a difficult transition. GDP is still less than half its pre-transition level and poverty is widespread. Moldova has also encountered debt problems; half of the public long term external debt is owed to…

Yemen - Multi-Mode Transport, Transport Rehabilitation, Privatization Support, and Second Public Works Projects

This Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) covers four recently completed projects for the Republic of Yemen. The ratings of the PPAR generally concur with the Implementation Completion Report (ICR) ratings,…

Moldova: Country Assistance Evaluation

This evaluation provides an independent assessment of the role of World Bank assistance to Moldova during the period 1993-2003. The Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) examines whether: (a) the objectives of Bank/IDA…

An Evaluation of World Bank Investment Climate Activities (Overview)

The Investment Climate Study is a joint evaluation of the Operations Evaluation Department (covering the activities of IBRD/IDA), the Operations Evaluation Group (covering IFC), and the Operations Evaluation Unit (…

Bolivia: Country Assistance Evaluation (Approach Paper)


Influential Evaluations: Evaluations that Improved Performance and Impacts of Development Programs - case studies and lessons learned

When conducted at the right time, and when they focus on key issues of concern to policy makers and managers, and when the results are presented in a user-friendly format, evaluations can provide a highly cost-effective…