
Displaying 3161 - 3170 of 5577

Ghana - The First and Second Transport Rehabilitation Projects and the National Feeder Roads Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project

The First and Second Transport Rehabilitation Projects are rated as satisfactory, with sustainability as uncertain, and institutional development impact as substantial. Bank and…

Tanzania - Highway Rehabilitation Project

The audit for the Sixth Highway Rehabilitation Project differs from the implementation completion report in the areas of sustainability, which is rated as uncertain (the ICR rated…

Turkey - The Igdir-Aksu-Eregli-Ercis (IAEE) Irrigation Project and the Drainage and On-Farm Development Project

The outcome of the IAEE project is rated as unsatisfactory, sustainability as uncertain and institutional development as negligible. While the Operations Evaluation Department (OED)…

India - West Bengal Forestry Project

The audit for the West Bengal Forestry Projects differs from the implementation completion report in that it finds the outcome of the project marginally satisfactory. This is due to…

Bangladesh - Second Small Scale Flood Control, Drainage, and Irrigation Project

This project is rated only marginally satisfactory--although it met many of its major physical objectives, there were some major shortcomings. There were three important concerns:…

Bolivia - Environmental Technical Assistance Project

The project outcome is rated as marginally unsatisfactory, with sustainability as unlikely, and institutional development impact as modest. Both borrower and World Bank performances…

Burkina Faso - Agricultural Research and Support Projects

This report deals with both the Agricultural Research and the Agricultural Services Projects in Burkina Faso. Although each of these were found to be satisfactory by their…

China - Gansu Provincial Development Project - Agriculture Component

This project's overall outcome is rated as marginally satisfactory, given that part of the irrigation component is incomplete and that implementation was long, difficult, and…

Uganda - Fourth Highways Project and Railways Project

The outcome of the project was marginally satisfactory. Institutional development is rated as negligible; and sustainability as uncertain. While the civil works components were…

Bolivia - Export Corridors Project

The audit for the Export Corridors Project concurs with the ratings of the implementation completion report. The project offers several lessons. Changing a parastatal organization to…