
Displaying 1581 - 1590 of 5577

The Results and Performance of the World Bank Group (Approach Paper)

This is an Approach Paper for the Results and Performance of the World Bank Group (RAP) evaluation, which is the annual account of what recent IEG evaluations reveal about the effectiveness of the World Bank Group (IBRD…

The Private Sector and Poverty Reduction: Lessons from the Field

The IEG evaluation Assessing IFC's Poverty Focus and Results, aimed to contribute to the enhancement of IFC's poverty focus and its effectiveness for greater poverty impact. This document features findings from field…

Mozambique - Country partnership strategy for the period FY08-FY11 : IEG CPSCR review

This review examines implementation of the Fiscal Years 2008-11 Mozambique Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), and evaluates the CPS Completion Report (CPSCR). The strategy was implemented by IDA, IFC and MIGA, and this…

Gabon - Country partnership strategy (CAS) completion report : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the FY05-09 Gabon Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) and the Country Assistance Strategy Progress Report (CASPR) of FY07, and evaluates the…

Turkey - Country partnership strategy for the period FY08-FY11 : IEG CPSCR review

This review examines the implementation of the 2008-2011 Turkey Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and the CPS Progress Report (CPSPR) of FY10 and evaluates the CPSCR. The CPS was a…

Peru - Country Partnership Strategy for the period FY2007 - FY2011

This review examines implementation of the FY07-11 Peru Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) and the FY09 CPS Progress Report (CPSPR), and evaluates the CPS Completion Report (CPSCR).…

Lao People's Democratic Republic - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) for the period FY2005-FY2011 : IEG review

This review examines the implementation of the FY 2005-2008 Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) and the FY 2009 CAS Progress Report (CASPR), and assesses the CAS Completion Report (CASCR). The strategy covered only IDA's…

The World Bank Group's Response to the Global Economic Crisis Phase II

The global economic crisis of 2008-2009 led to a sharp reduction of growth worldwide with an increase in millions of poor persons. The World Bank Group responded with an unprecedented expansion of support that included…

An IEG Assessment of the World Bank Group's Response to the Global Food Crisis (Approach Paper)

International food prices increased dramatically in the period 2005-2008, starting with a moderate upward trend until early 2007, and then accelerating more rapidly to a peak in mid-2008. This is an Approach Paper for…

Ukraine - Country partnerhsip strategy for the period FY08-FY11 : IEG CPSCR review

This review examines the implementation of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2008- 2011 Ukraine Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) of FY 2908 and the CPS Progress Report (CPSPR) of FY 2910, and evaluates the CPS Completion Report (…