
Displaying 2181 - 2190 of 5577

Towards the Institutionalization of M&E Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean

Proceedings of a World Bank / Inter-American Development Bank Conference (2006)

Republic of Yemen - Land and Water Conservation, Taiz Water Supply Pilot, and Sana'a Water Supply and Sanitation Projects

This is the Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) of three projects in the Republic of Yemen: the Land and Water Conservation Project, the Taiz Water Supply Pilot Project and the Sana'a Water Supply and…

The Effectiveness of World Bank Support for Community-Based and -Driven Development: Egypt Country Study

This is a country case study on Egypt undertaken as an input to an Independent Evaluation Group study of the World Bank's support for community-based development (CBD) and community-driven development (CDD) efforts. The…

Bangladesh - Country assistance strategy (CAS) completion report review

The 2001-2004 CAS focused on five objectives: accelerating broad-based growth; consolidating gains in human development; formulating and implementing an integrated approach to rural…

Pakistan: Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE)

This report examines World Bank assistance to Pakistan during the period 1994-2003. It analyzes the objectives and content of the Bank's assistance program during this period, the outcomes in terms of economic and…

Turkey: Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) (REACH)

This Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE) assesses the outcomes of the World Bank's assistance to Turkey during the period July 1, 1993, to June 30, 2004. It focuses on the objectives of that assistance and the extent to…

Pension Reform: How to Strengthen World Bank Assistance (REACH)

The Bank has been a leader in pension reform, providing extensive financial and technical support to many countries. The Bank's strategy supports a flexible, multi-pillar framework, under appropriate macroeconomic,…

Pension Reform and the Development of Pension Systems: An Evaluation of World Bank Assistance

Pension systems are a critical tool in reducing poverty among the elderly. But an aging population, poor administration, early retirement, and unaffordable benefits have strained both pension balances and overall public…

Bolivia - Private Enterprise Development, Capitalization Program Adjustment Credit, Financial Markets and Pension Reform Technical Assistance, and Second Public Financial Management Operation Projects

Four lessons of general application are drawn from this review: 1) The political and social environments are fundamental factors behind the outcome of reforms. In the case of Capitalization, opposition to reform was…

Institucionalización de los sistemas de seguimiento y evaluación para mejorar la gestión del sector público

Un número creciente de países está adoptando una orientación basada en los resultados. Con ese fin, están creando o reforzando sistemas de seguimiento y evaluación (SyE). En este documento se presenta…