
Displaying 41 - 50 of 56

Sri Lanka - Kurunegala Rural Development Project

The Kurunegala Rural Development Project in Sri Lanka was successful. A design problem of the project was that it did not address the needs of the poorer upland farmers of the…

Sri Lanka - Agricultural Extension and Adaptive Research Project

The Agricultural Extension and Adaptive Research Project in Sri Lanka was achieved. On the positive side, the Agricultural Extension and adaptive Research Project (AEARP) was able to…

Sri Lanka - First and Second Small and Medium Industry and Industrial Development Projects

The First and Second Small and Medium Industry and Industrial Development Projects was achieved. The International Development Association (IDA) devoted a considerable amount of…

Sri Lanka - Tree Crop Rehabilitation (Tea) Project

The Tree Crop Rehabilitation (Tea) Project in Sri Lanka was successful. The Bank's performance during project formulation, preparation and appraisal was very satisfactory. The need…

Sri Lanka - First and Second Mahaweli Ganga Technical Assistance Projects

The First and Second Mahaweli Ganga Technical Assistance Projects in Sri Lanka was successful. Despite the negative economic rate of return, the project can certainly be classified as…

Sri Lanka - Third and Fourth Development Finance Corporation of Ceylon Projects

The Third and Fourth Development Finance Corporation of Ceylon (DFCC) in Sri Lanka was successful. The Bank Group devoted considerable time to working with DFCC during the…

Sri Lanka - Water Supply Project

The Water Supply Project in Sri Lanka was achieved. The beginning of the project saw slow start-up, rapid inflation in Sri Lanka during the period 1978-79 and rapid escalation in the…

Sri Lanka - Tree Crop Diversification (Tea) Project

The Tree Crop Diversification (Tea) Project in Sri Lanka was implemented. The project started well after some delay in credit effectiveness. Procurement picked up quickly, physical…

Ceylon - Mahaweli Ganga Development Project

The Mahaweli Ganga Development Project in Ceylon was economically and socially successful. Certain problems associated with project development remain, such as cost recovery,…

Sri Lanka - Fifth Power Project

The Fifth Power Project in Sri Lanka achieved its objective. Working relationships between Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) and the Bank were satisfactory, but the project was started…