
Displaying 31 - 40 of 56

Conflit et ajustement structurel à Sri Lanka

Dans un contexte rendu difficile par la guerre civile, Sri Lanka a réalisé des progrès considérables dans l'exécution de son programme d'ajustement au cours de la période 1989-95. Ce programme visait Ã…

Conflict and Structural Adjustment in Sri Lanka


Conflicto y ajuste estructural en Sri Lanka

En el período de 1989-95, en un contexto difícil de guerra y conflicto, Sri Lanka avanzó considerablemente en la aplicación de su programa de ajuste. Éste tuvo como objetivo continuar el proceso de…

Sri Lanka - Economic Restructuring and Public Manufacturing Enterprises Adjustment Credit Projects

This audit report rates the outcomes of the Economic Restructuring Credit (ERC) and Public Manufacturing Enterprises Adjustment Credit (PMEAC) Projects for Sri Lanka. The ERC Project…

Sri Lanka - Second Industrial Development Project

The Second Industrial Development Project for Sri Lanka was rated satisfactory. The project achieved its main objective, its impact on institutional development was substantial,…

Sri Lanka - Smallholder Rubber Rehabilitation and Fourth Tree Crops Projects


Sri Lanka: Mahaweli Ganga Development


Sri Lanka - Irrigation Projects

The Irrigation Projects for Sri Lanka were unsatisfactory due to an unforeseen fall in the world price of rice. Their institutional development impact was modest and sustainability is…

Rural Development in Sri Lanka


Sri Lanka - Tea and Rubber Projects

The Tea and Rubber Projects for Sri Lanka were satisfactory. The projects achieved most of their main objectives, their impact has been substantial, sustainability is likely, and both…