
Displaying 21 - 30 of 56

Sri Lanka - General Education Project

The General Education Project for Sri Lanka was rated satisfactory. The project achieved most of its objectives, its impact on institutional development was modest, sustainability is…

The World Bank's Experience with Post-Conflict Reconstruction

In the wake of Cold War civil conflict, the Bank has responded by supporting the peacemaking process and, once peace is secured, putting its resources behind restoring economic, physical, human, and social capital. This…

Sri Lanka - Ninth Power Project, Power Distribution and Transmission Project

The Ninth Power Project and Power Distribution and Transmission Project for Sri Lanka were rated marginally satisfactory. The projects achieved most of their objectives, their impact…

Evaluation Capacity Development: The Development of Australia's Evaluation System


Sri Lanka - Construction Industry Training and Second Vocational Training Projects

The Construction Industry Training and Second Vocational Training Projects for Sri Lanka were satisfactory. Both projects were successful in meeting their objectives and achieving…

World Bank Support for Small & Medium Industries in Sri Lanka: An Impact Evaluation


Sri Lanka - Kurunegala and Second Rural Development Projects


Évaluation participative du développement rural à Sri Lanka

Selon une étude d'impact de l'OED*, deux projets de développement rural financés par la Banque à Sri Lanka ont démontré l'utilité d'une participation de la communauté aussi bien à la planification des projets…

Participatory Evaluation for Rural Development in Sri Lanka (Precis #138)


Desarrollo rural de Sri Lanka: evaluación con participación

Según una evaluación de los efectos de dos proyectos de desarrollo rural financiados por el Banco en Sri Lanka, preparada por el Departamento de Evaluación de Operaciones (DEO)*, éstos han demostrado la importancia…