
Displaying 71 - 80 of 83

Tunisia - Fisheries Project

While the Bank and Borrower’s performances were deemed satisfactory the Project expectations failed to materialize in two respects: in changing INIA's whole approach towards research…

Tunisia - Third, Fourth, and Fifth Societe Nationale d'Investissement Projects

The Second Education Project for the Ivory Coast had mixed results. Physical implementation of the project was generally good. Equipment and furniture are generally appropriate,…

Tunisia - Highway Project

The Lift Irrigation Project in Ceylon objectives was achieved and well suited to the general framework of agricultural development in Sri Lanka. Relations between the Bank and the…

Tunisia - Power Project

This is a performance audit of the Intensive Dairy Production Project in Turkey, Overall performance by the borrower is satisfactory, efforts of both technicians and farmers to carry…

Tunisia - Agricultural Credit Project

The First Agricultural Credit Project in Tunisia was signed in July 1971 for US$8 million; Bank funds supported a medium-term credit program administered by the Banque Nationale de…

Projet de Crédit Agricole en Tunisie

The First Agricultural Credit Project in Tunisia was signed in July 1971 for US$8 million; Bank funds supported a medium-term credit program administered by the Banque Nationale de…

Tunisia - Second Education Project

The Flood Rehabilitation Program Project in Pakistan was a significant success in most respects and the deficiencies are minor in the sense that they did not prevent the achievement…

Tunisia - Railway Project

The Eighth Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation (PICIC) Project in Pakistan met the objective of assisting PICIC's support of the private sector, including the provision of…

Tunisia - First and Second Water Supply Projects

This report presents the results of an audit of the Fishing Harbors Rehabilitation Project for Iceland and is based in part on a Project Completion Report (PCR). The audit agrees in…

Tunisia - El Borma - Gades Gas Pipeline Project

The Highway Projects in West Pakistan was successfully implemented with relatively minor difficulties and the investments have turned out to have had higher returns than expected. The…