
Displaying 51 - 60 of 83

Tunisie - Troisième et quatrième projets de crédit agricole

This is a performance audit report (PAR) on the Third and Fourth Agricultural Credit Projects in Tunisia. The objectives of the third project were to increase agricultural production…

Northwest Tunisia: Rural Development and Natural Resource Conservation


Tunisia - Agricultural Sector Adjustment Project

The Agricultural Sector Adjustment Project in Tunisia is to supported the Borrower's medium-term adjustment strategy, both at the macro-economic level and in the agricultural sector.…

Tunisie - Prêt à l'ajustement du secteur agricole

The Agricultural Sector Adjustment Project in Tunisia is to supported the Borrower's medium-term adjustment strategy, both at the macro-economic level and in the agricultural sector.…

Tunisia - Industrial and Trade Policy Adjustment Loan Project

The first three education projects in Burundi were generated over the decade 1974- 83. The first project aimed at expanding and improving primary education, textbook production and…

Tunisia - Electrical and Mechanical Industries Project

The Agricultural Extension and Adaptive Research Project in Sri Lanka was achieved. On the positive side, the Agricultural Extension and adaptive Research Project (AEARP) was able to…

Tunisia - SOFOMECA Foundry Modernization and Expansion (Fourth Industry) Project

This is the Project Performance Audit Report (PPAR) for four similar agricultural development projects in western Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta). The four projects are generally…

Tunisia - Fourth Education Project

This a Project Performance Audit on the Small Farm Credit Project, involving an IDA credit in the amount of SDR 27.9 million (USD 30.4 mliilon) to the Government of with the objective…

Tunisia - Second Natural Gas Pipeline Project

Ratings for the Algiers Sewerage Project for Algeria were as follows: Bank performance was acceptable, and Borrower performance was unsatisfactory. Some lessons learned included: the…

Tunisia - Second Urban Sewerage Project

The Forestry Project for the Ivory Coast was satisfactory. The project achieved many of its objectives, its impact on institutional development has been significant, sustainability is…