
Displaying 31 - 40 of 83

Los riesgos de inundaciones y la congestión del tránsito disminuyen en Túnez

Según un estudio del DEO*, el primer proyecto autónomo de protección frente a inundaciones financiado por el Banco Mundial en Túnez ha reducido los flujos de agua sin control y los daños concomitantes a…

Tunisie : Réduction des risques d'inondation et des embouteillages

Selon une étude de l'OED, le premier projet autonome de protection contre les inondations financé par la Banque mondiale en Tunisie a effectivement contribué à protéger les zones urbaines contre les crues…

Tunisia - Employment and Training Fund Project

This performance audit report rates the Second Farakka Thermal Power Project in India. It was prepared by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) following a mission visit to India…

Reducing Flood Hazards and Traffic Congestion in Tunisia

The first free-standing flood protection project funded by the World Bank in Tunisia successfully reduced the flow of uncontrolled water and damage to urban areas, according to a study by OED. The Sfax Flood Protection…

Tunisia - Energy Conservation Demonstration Project

The Construction Industry Training and Second Vocational Training Projects for Sri Lanka were satisfactory. Both projects were successful in meeting their objectives and achieving…

Tunisia - Reduction Flood Hazards and Traffic Congestion : SFAX Flood Protection Project


Tunisia - Second Electrical and Mechanical Industries Project

Consistent with the findings in the Project Completion Report (PCR), ratings for the Zimbabwe - Family Health Project were as follows: The project was rated as satisfactory,…

Tunisia - Health and Population Project

Consistent with the findings in the Project Completion Report (PCR), ratings for the Zimbabwe - Family Health Project were as follows: The project was rated as satisfactory,…

Tunisia - Economic and Financial Reforms Support Loan Project

The National Land Management and Livestock Project in Botswana was modest. Overall, institutional development is, therefore, rated as modest. Although the land-use planning function…

Tunisia - Third Urban Development Project

The Structural Adjustment Loan/Credit Project for India was rated satisfactory. The project achieved its objectives, its impact on institutional development has been substantial,…