
Displaying 21 - 30 of 83

Tunisia: Country Assistance Evaluation (in Arabic)

This evaluation recommends that the Bank should continue to support improving the environment for private sector development and enhancing competitiveness as the country seeks to integrate more into the global economy…

Tunisia: Country Assistance Evaluation

This evaluation recommends that the Bank should continue to support improving the environment for private sector development and enhancing competitiveness as the country seeks to integrate more into the global economy…

Tunisia - Agricultural Research and Extension Project, Agricultural Research and Sector Investment Project, Northwest Mountainous Areas Development Project, and National Rural Finance Project

The project outcome of the Agricultural Research and Extension Project is rated as unsatisfactory, and sustainability is unlikely. Bank performance is rated unsatisfactory because a firmer line should have been taken on…

Strengthening Tunisian Municipalities to Foster Local Urban Development (in Arabic)

The Municipal Sector Investment Project, partly financed by a $75 million World Bank loan made in 1992, marked the successful beginning of a decentralization effort in Tunisia to strengthen municipalities and transform…

Renforcement des municipalités en Tunisie
et promotion du développement local (Precis in French)

Le Projet d'investissement dans les collectivités locales, financé en partie par le prêt de 75 millions de dollars accordé par la Banque mondiale en 1992, a marqué le début prometteur de l'effort de dÃ…

Fortalecimiento de los municipios en Túnez y fomento del desarrollo local (Precis in Spanish)

El proyecto de inversiones en el sector municipal, en parte fi-nanciado con un préstamo de US$75 millones otorgado por el Banco Mundial en 1992, marcó el comienzo satisfactorio de un proceso de descentralizaciÃ…

Strengthening Tunisian Municipalities to Foster Local Urban Development

The Municipal Sector Investment Project, partly financed by a $75 million World Bank loan made in 1992, marked the successful beginning of a decentralization effort in Tunisia to strengthen municipalities and transform…

Tunisia - Municipal Sector Investment Project

The audit rates the outcome of the project as satisfactory, sustainability as likely, and the institutional development impact as substantial, highlighting sector issues relevant for…

Rural Water Projects: Lessons from OED Evaluations


Tunisia - Education and Training Project

The outcome of the project is rated as satisfactory; institutional development as modest; sustainability as likely; borrower performance as satisfactory; and Bank performance as…