
Displaying 11 - 20 of 83

Earnings Growth and Employment Creation: An Assessment of World Bank Support in Three Middle-Income Countries

The Bank has identified five policy areas that affect employment: macroeconomic conditions, investment climate, labor regulations, education, and social protection. This study uses this MILES framework, as it is known,…

Tunisia - Country assistance strategy completion report (CASCR) for the period FY2005-FY2008 : IEG review

This review covers the FY05-08 Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) and the CAS progress report of 2008. The FY05-FY08 assistance strategy was designed to help reduce unemployment,…

Employment Creation and Earnings Growth:
An Assessment of World Bank Support in
Three Middle-Income Countries (Approach Paper)

This approach paper proposes an evaluation of World Bank support for earnings growth and employment creation in three middle-income countries—Colombia, Tunisia, and Turkey. All three countries received significant…

Making the Most of World Bank Assistance to Small States: A Synthesis of Evaluation Findings

From 1998-2000 the Small States Task Force, a joint effort of the World Bank and the Commonwealth Secretariat, deliberated on the unique circumstances of small states in a rapidly globalizing economy and worked toward a…

Evaluation of World Bank Assistance to Pacific Member Countries (OED Reach for Pacific CAE)


Evaluation of World Bank Assistance to Pacific Member Countries, 1992-2002

The nine Pacific Member Countries (PMCs) of the World Bank Group are Fiji Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, the Federated States o f Micronesia, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Vanuatu. The PMCs are a…

République de Tunisie: Évaluation de l'aide au pays (Tunisia Country Assistance Evaluation in French)

La présente Évaluation de l'aide au pays (CAE) en Tunisie est la seconde initiative de coopération avec le Bureau d'évaluation des opérations (OEO) de la Banque Islamique de Développement et fait suite…

Tunisia - Economic Competitiveness Adjustment Loan, Second Economic Competitiveness Adjustment Loan and Third Economic Competitiveness Adjustment Loan Projects

Project ratings for all three projects--the Economic Competitiveness Adjustment Loan (Loan No. 4096), the Second Economic Competitiveness Adjustment Loan (Loan No. 4461), and the Third Economic Competitiveness…

OED on Middle Income Country Strategies for Development

This note was prepared as background information for the session on Middle-Income Countries: Lessons from Brazil, China and Tunisia for the OED Conference on "Effectiveness of Policies and Reforms" Washington D.C.,…

Tunisia Country Assistance Evaluation (Reach)

Tunisia has made remarkable socioeconomic progress. Real per capita incomes expanded, poverty rates declined, and social indicators improved. Since 1990 World Bank assistance has supported stabilization and structural…