
Displaying 71 - 80 of 157

Thailand - First and Second Mae Moh Lignite Project

This is a performance audit report (PAR) on the Third and Fourth Agricultural Credit Projects in Tunisia. The objectives of the third project were to increase agricultural production…

Coal for Power Generation


Involuntary Resettlement


Thailand - Provincial Water Supply Project

The first three education projects in Burundi were generated over the decade 1974- 83. The first project aimed at expanding and improving primary education, textbook production and…

Thailand - Power Projects

The first three education projects in Burundi were generated over the decade 1974- 83. The first project aimed at expanding and improving primary education, textbook production and…

Thailand - Inland Waterways and Coastal Ports Project

The Accounting and Audit Organization and Training Project in Madagascar was implemented. The Bank played a positive role in the execution of the project. Monitoring was performed…

Irrigation in the Humid Tropics: Project Design Issues in Indonesia and Thailand


Lending for Railways: Pakistan


Thailand - Second National Agricultural Extension Project

The Third Education Project for the Ivory Coast was unsatisfactory. The project did not achieve the majority of its objectives, institutional development was negligible,…

Thailand - Second Tree Crops Project

The Third Education Project for the Ivory Coast was unsatisfactory. The project did not achieve the majority of its objectives, institutional development was negligible,…