
Displaying 41 - 50 of 157

Pakistan - SCARP Transition Pilot Project

This evaluation is based primarily on the findings of a series of surveys carried out by the Punjab Economic Research Institute from 1989 to 1995 that focus on the project's impact on beneficiaries and the environment.

Thailand - Second Provincial Roads Project; the First, Second, and Third Highway Sector Projects; and the Railway Efficiency Improvement Project

This is the Performance Audit Report (PPAR) for the Industrial Energy Diversification and Conservation Project, Second Industrial Energy Conservation Project, and Energy Development…

Pakistan - Second Energy Sector Loan Project

The Second Energy Sector Loan Project for Pakistan was rated marginally satisfactory. The project achieved some of its objectives, its impact on institutional development was modest,…

Pakistan - Fourth and Fifth WAPDA Power Projects, Kot Addu Combined Cycle Power Project, and Power Plant Efficiency Improvement Project

The Fourth and Fifth WAPDA Power Projects, Kot Addu Combined Cycle Power Project, and Power Plant Efficiency Improvement Project for Pakistan were all rated satisfactory. The projects…

Paddy Irrigation and Waste Management in Southeast Asia

This study examines the impact of paddy irrigation investments, operations, and maintenance, as well as the conclusions of a performance audit of flood control schemes. Findings from the review contradict the dominant…

Generating Income for Afghan Refugees in Pakistan


La generación de ingresos para los refugiados afganos en Pakistán

De acuerdo con un reciente estudio de evaluación del DEO*, tres proyectos destinados a crear empleo para los refugiados afganos en Pakistán dieron extraordinarios resultados y beneficiaron tanto a los refugiados…

Irrigation Investment in Pakistan


Inversiones para el riego en Pakistán

El sistema de riego de la cuenca del Indo, en Pakistán, es la red de riego integrada más grande del mundo. Cubre 16 millones de hectáreas y da vida a la agricultura, que proporciona empleo a más de la mitad…

Pakistan - On-Farm and Command Water Management and Irrigation Systems Rehabilitation Projects

This report evaluates institutional and socioeconomic impacts and draws lessons for future policy on irrigation investment and maintenance of facilities. Farm water supply and watercourse renovation, groundwater…