
Displaying 31 - 40 of 157

Administración de tierras y desarrollo rural: Dos casos en Tailandia

La experiencia de Tailandia arroja luz sobre uno de los aspectos fundamentales de la administración de tierras: su contribución al mejoramiento de la gestión de los recursos naturales y a la reducción de la…

Administration foncière et développement rural : deux exemples venus de Thaïlande

L'expérience de la Thaïlande met en lumière une dimension importante de l'administration foncière : la façon dont elle peut améliorer la gestion des ressources naturelles et contribuer à réduire…

Thaïlande : secteur des transports et développement institutionnel

Depuis 1950, la Banque mondiale a aidé la Thaïlande à financer 25 projets de transport. Le Département de l'évaluation des opérations (OED) a étudié cinq de ces opérations, approuvées entre 1983 et 1990, et…

El transporte en Tailandia: enseñanzas para el fortalecimiento institucional

El Banco Mundial ha financiado 25 proyectos para el sector del transporte en Tailandia desde 1950. El DEO, en una evaluación* de cinco de ellos aprobados entre 1983 y 1990, llegó a la conclusión de que estos…

Thailand: Country Assistance Note

The severity of Thailand ' s crisis and the speed at which it spread to the region came as a surprise to most observers, and the World Bank was no exception. But, even if the Bank had benefited from perfect foresight,…

Thailand - Land Reform Areas Project and Second Land Titling Project

The Land Reform Areas Project (Loan 2198-TH) and the Second Land Titling Project (Loan 3254-TH) in Thailand took different approaches to land administration. The Land Reform Areas…

Recent Experience with Involuntary Resettlement : Thailand - Pakmun


Recent Experience with Involuntary Resettlement : Overview


Pakistan - Second and Third Small Industries Projects, Second and Third Industrial Investment Credit Projects, and the Financial Sector Adjustment Loan Project

The Second and Third Small Industries Projects, Second and Third Industrial Investment Credit Projects, and the Financial Sector Adjustment Loan Project for Pakistan were all rated…

Transport in Thailand: Lessons for Institutional Development

The World Bank has funded 25 transportation projects in Thailand since 1950. An OED audit* of five of these projects, approved between 1983 and 1990, found that they successfully upgraded rural transport infrastructure…