
Displaying 41 - 50 of 60

Tanzania - Trucking Industry Rehabilitation and Improvement Project

The Third Highway Project in Pakistan was completed. Project implementation was troubled. Road rehabilitation suffered substantial delays, cost-overruns and large problems arising…

Tanzania - Export Rehabilitation Program Project

This is a Project Performance Audit Report on the Yugoslavia Third Agricultural Credit Project. The findings of the audit suggest that the project, together with the earlier two…

Tanzania - Second National Sites and Services Project

The Telecommunications Project for the Ivory Coast achieved its physical objectives with considerable delays. It contributed to the improvement and development of the…

Tanzania - Agricultural Products and Rural Development Projects

The Second Cocoa Project for the Ivory Coast was satisfactory. The project largely achieved its objectives, sustainability is likely, and the performance of both the Bank and Borrower…

Tanzania - Agricultural Products and Rural Development Projects

The Second Cocoa Project for the Ivory Coast was satisfactory. The project largely achieved its objectives, sustainability is likely, and the performance of both the Bank and Borrower…

Tanzania - Kigoma Rural Development Project

The Education Project for Botswana was satisfactory. The project achieved many of its objectives, its impact on institutional development was modest, sustainability is likely, and the…

Tanzania - Sao Hill Forestry Development Project

This is a performance audit of the Bougouriba Agricultural Development project in Upper Volta. The audit finds that the project completion report (PCR) covers adequately the project's…

Tanzania - Second Livestock Development Project

The Birganj Irrigation Project in Nepal succeeded in meeting its objective. The ultimate success of the project depends very much on the ability of the Government of Nepal to…

Tanzania - Second Highway Project

Rating for the Jijel Port Project for Algeria was as follows: Bank performance was unsatisfactory. Some lessons learned included: assess thoroughly all project components during…

Third Highway Project -Tanzania

Rating for the Jijel Port Project for Algeria was as follows: Bank performance was unsatisfactory. Some lessons learned included: assess thoroughly all project components during…