
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Creating Markets to Leverage the Private Sector for Sustainable Development and Growth

Creating Markets to Leverage the Private Sector for Sustainable Development and Growth

With a strong learning focus, this evaluation is intended to inform the implementation of IFC’s corporate strategy (IFC 3.0) and the contributing roles of the World Bank and MIGA to that strategy
Growth for the Bottom 40 Percent

Growth for the Bottom 40 Percent: The World Bank Group’s Support for Shared Prosperity

This evaluation assesses the World Bank Group's record on implementation of the shared prosperity goal since 2013, using the official definition of the goal of fostering income growth of the bottom 40 percent. It also…

World Bank Group Engagement in Upper-Middle-Income Countries: Evidence from IEG Evaluations

This report synthesizes existing evaluative evidence on the outcomes and lessons learned from the World Bank Group’s partnership with upper-middle income countries. The report focuses mainly on IEG evaluations produced…

Tax Revenue Mobilization - Lessons from World Bank Group Support for Tax Reform

This learning note reviews existing IEG evaluative evidence on the Bank Group’s support to tax policy and administration reform produced by the Independent Evaluation Group over FY2005-15. It identifies the drivers of…
Lessons from Policy-Based Guarantees

Lessons from Policy-Based Guarantees

This report by the Independent Evaluation Group looks at the World Bank Group’s experience with implementing policy based guarantees – a relatively new and important tool in development finance. The paper looks at the…

The World Bank Group's Support to Capital Market Development

The World Bank Group’s contributions towards client countries’ capital market development comes at a strategic juncture when Bank Group commitment to help mobilize long term finance for development has grown…
Lessons from Environmental Policy Lending

Lessons from Environmental Policy Lending

This Learning Product seeks to offer lessons from experience to help inform stakeholders on how to design and implement this instrument, outlining some of the tensions and tradeoffs that must be grappled with in design…
The World Bank Group’s Response to the Global Economic Crisis - Phase 1

The World Bank Group’s Response to the Global Economic Crisis - Phase 1

This IEG study is a real- time assessment of ongoing activities. As such, it evaluates the immediate results and serves as an input to the WBG's continuing efforts to address the effects of the crisis. The evaluation of…